Energy Efficiency Benefits The Environment And Your Pocketbook

The burgeoning population is depleting our energy resources at a startling rate. If humans do not alter their lifestyles, the consequences could be severe. Energy conservation is in all of our best interest. Implementing energy efficient appliances in homes will not only save energy but also lower energy bills. It is truly a win-win decision.

�· Insulation- The first step to increasing the energy efficiency of any home is properly installing insulation in your attic. Many homeowners assume that the insulation in their attic is sufficient, but an attic that is not insulated to the proper levels encourages energy waste. By ensuring your attic has the correct amount of insulation, the inside of your house will have a more consistent temperature. As a result, the air conditioning system will not have to work as hard, and you will save money on energy expenditures. Insulation pays for itself over time, and it is an investment all homeowners should consider.

Ã?· Energy Efficient Windows- Up to 40 percent of a home’s energy loss can come from faulty windows. Old, shoddy windows hinder your house from achieving peak energy efficiency. Energy efficient windows, on the other hand, assist your home in the fight to conserve energy. They help reduce air leakage and maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

�· Energy Star Appliances- When it comes time to replace the appliances in your home, you should swap them out for Energy Star appliances. These appliances, such as washing machines and refrigerators, use 10-50 percent less energy and water than their traditional counterparts, thereby saving the consumer a considerable sum of money over the long haul.

Ã?· New Light Bulbs- Home’s that are still using traditional lighting should consider switching to Energy Star light bulbs immediately. These bulbs use about 75 percent less energy than standard light bulbs and they last considerably longer. It is estimated that each energy efficient bulb will save the owner $30 in energy costs over its lifetime. Multiply that out by the number of lights in your home and the savings can be huge.

�· Reduce your Flushing- Excessive flushing wastes water and increases utility bills. While most toilets in homes are water conservative, the flushing practices of those using them are not. For instance, blowing your nose and then flushing the tissue paper away is a waste of water. Toilets are not trash cans, and they should never be treated as such.

Everyone stands to benefit by practicing energy efficiency. Energy conservation benefits the environment and the pocketbooks of those that use energy efficient appliances.

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