Expectant Mothers – Wondering if Sex is Safe When You’re Pregnant?

Pregnancy can be a time of many changes. One variation that women may face during pregnancy is a change in sexual desire. Some women who have never experienced an orgasm or haven’t had a desire for sex, suddenly find they have a strong desire for both during pregnancy. While other women who enjoy sex may find themselves difficult to arrouse. During pregnancy a woman’s sexual desire will change from day to day and month to month. It is very important that you and your partner have open communication about your sexual needs and desires each day so that you may continue to have a healthy sexual relationship.

Some women wonder if sex is safe during pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy sex is perfectly safe for mom and for the baby. Unfortunately some doctors may restrict you from sex for various reasons. If you have unexplained bleeding your doctor may restrict you from having any sex for a period of time to determine what is causing the bleeding. If you have a history of miscarriage, then your doctor may restrict sex during the first tri-mester. If you have a history of premature labor or if you are carrying multiple fetus’ then your doctor may put restrictions on sex during the last tri-mester. Lastly if your membranes have ruptured or if you have placenta prevaria then your doctor may rule out sex until after delivery.

Many women have fears about hurting the baby by having sex during pregnancy. These fears are normal. Fortunately the fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid and the uterus therefore not much from the outside can harm it. Orgasm can cause contractions in some women. This is perfectly safe also. During early pregnancy contractions caused by orgasm are usually very sporatic and rarely cause a women to go into labor. During late pregnancy a doctor will often encourage couples to have sex and to orgasm. The sperm causes a chemical reaction in a pregnant woman’s body that often starts labor. Sometimes an orgasm combined with the man’s sperm can cause the on set of labor during late pregnancy.

Often times during pregnancy couples tend to neglect thier sexual relationship due to being uncomfortable durin sex. You should enjoy it more even if you are having it less. It is not the quantity that counts it is the quality. This is the time to experiement with what is most comfortable. There are many positions to try that are ideal for the comfort of a pregnant woman. One position is to lay side by side either face to face, or face to back. For some couples this is not a very succesful position. Another position is the man on top but off to one side. During late pregnancy this can sometimes cause the woman to have problems breathing. The last position is for the woman to be on top.

For many women this is embarassing due to a woman’s tendency to feel unsexy during pregnancy. For those of you that do not or can not enjoy these postions a variation on the last one seems to be the best. If the woman is on top but turns so that she is facing the man’s feet then she will get all the stimulation she needs. If she leans forwards the mans legs provide support for her enlarged stomache and this also allows for direct contact of the g-spot. Many women will find that this is the best way to reach orgasm during pregnancy.

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