Facts About Internet

In year 2000 the total number of Internet user around the world was 400 million and it will exceed one billion by year 2005. By the end of year 2005 the number of worldwide Internet users is expected to triple to a whooping 1.17 billion.

Today almost 260 million people are accessing the Internet worldwide. Number of E-Mails has exceeded the postal messages. In the present world computers have more sale figures than televisions. Television took nearly 13 years to reach 50 million users whereas it took less than 4 years for Internet to achieve the same number.

The percentage of net users purchasing services and goods over the Internet has increased incredibly to 20%. Internet is the third most used advertising medium and closely catching up to the traditional local newspapers and Yellow Pages.

Internet is the cheapest media available today. In cost and speed, neither FAX nor telephone can compete with the Internet. Digital TV is growing rapidly allowing interactive web TV services

Nearly 20.5 million people already shop for cars and car spareparts online. With this ,13.6 million people shopping for books. And an estimated 70% of new vehicle shoppers will use the Internet to help them shop for a car by the end of 2005. Online Lending. Forrester Research reports 20% of all mortgages will be done online by 2005. Further, one in six credit cards will be issued online within the next five years, with Net-sourced credit card lines approaching $22 billion.

It is expected that online travel purchases will reach $30 billion by 2005, marking a 800% increase over 1998’s $2.5 billion. During the year1999, 31% of consumers who booked a reservation online on an airline’s site have increased from 21% in 1998

According to a Forecasts Worldwide E-Commerce will Reach $7.29 Trillion in 2004. Jupiter Communications estimates children and teenagers will spend an estimated $2.5 billion online by 2005. Forrester Research Study Shows Actual 1999 Average. U.S. Household Spent Online: $1,385 Projected online spending: $1,864 in 2000; $2,259 in 2001; $2,518 in 2002; $2,678 in 2003. 44% of U.S. companies are selling online now, and 36% more expect to do so in the next 12 months. Ten to fifteen i.e 20 million homes have modems which enable them to go online. According to various 20 forecasts, between 40 and 70 million households will have home computers by the or at the end of the year 2020. A new survey by Harris Interactive, an Internet market research and polling company, has found that the amount of women who will shop online this Christmas season is six times bigger than last year. Last year 78 percent of shoppers were men and this year men will account for 58 percent of shoppers. Men preceded women online but women are now catching up. The study asked 5,802 online users. Increase Source:- lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ www-math/2000Nov/0038.html

lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/ 000OctDec/0089.html

Some of the major societal and economic benefits of a Global Information Society that each country and the region as a whole can achieve for its people are listed below:

1 Enhances the reach and quality of education and lifelong learning

2 Enables better health care for more people

3 Provides linkages to commercial activities locally, regionally and worldwide

4 Enhances employment opportunities to help alleviate poverty

Enables electronic commerce to expand consumer choice and lower consumer prices

5 Provides capabilities for universities to excel in science and technology

6 Increases availability of government information and services to the citizenry

7 Helps solve problem of migration to cities

Computers, sophisticated software, e-mail and Internet access are the new tools of business and education where information is power. Properly used technology increases students’ learning opportunities, motivation, and achievement; it helps students to acquire skills that are rapidly becoming essential in the workplace; and it breaks the barriers of time and place, enabling students in any community, no matter how remote or impoverished, to have access to high- quality instruction.

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