Feng Shui Sha Qi in Your Home

Look around. What do you see? Continuing the series on negative or sha energy it is important to recognize when something is a sha. Sha qi is a negative energy that can often be avoided by choosing the proper building site, home, floor plan and interior design. Here we talk about the sha qi that can be created inside your home or office.

You may be familiar with the term poison arrow. Do you have favorite places to sit in your home? Or do you have places that just seem too uncomfortable to relax in? If you are uncomfortable or unproductive at work you may be affected by a poison arrow. Look around, what do you see? Is there an odd angle in the room that causes the vertical edge of the wall to be pointing at you? Are there exposed beams over your sofa? Is the edge of a desk or table in a direct line with you? Does the edge of a door face you? These are all poison arrows.

Some are easier to fix than others. You can change the placement of a piece of furniture quite easily so that a corner doesn’t face you. If it is that door, you can make sure it is closed, or open wider or less so that the edge is not seen. If the angle of a room is the problem try placing a plant to soften the sharp edge of the wall. Ceiling beams are more difficult. Some are decorative and can be removed. If they are structural make sure that you are not sitting directly beneath them.

There are other kinds of sha energy. Anything that is too little or too much can be inauspicious. Is there too much direct light in a room? This can make you irritable and tire your eyes so that you can’t work or sleep. Use draperies, screens or blinds to adjust the amount of light in your room. Is it too hot or too cold? You can figure out what to do here. Is it too loud or too quite? Yes it can be too quiet. Have you heard the term deathly quiet? If your room is too loud use soft fabrics and curtains to absorb sound. Are there odd smells or too many smells? Many work places now prohibit perfumes because of allergies. But too many smells can also cause headaches.

What about plants? They liven up a place. But you can have too many plants. If your plants are not in good health this is also a sha. Keep your plants in good condition and don’t overdo it.

Watch where you place your furniture, especially your bed and desk. Look around. What do you see?

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