Finding Instant Turnkey Businesses Online

Do you want your own online company instantly? Then think “turnkey.” There are a number of companies online that offer instant companies. Do you want your own foodstore, or travel agency, or furniture store? Again, think “turnkey.” Some turnkey companies like are free of charge, other automated turnkey websites sell for less than $1 each. These virtual world companies are similar to franchises in the “real world,” however in the virtual world, the web-based world, the cost of set-up is free to minimal, and you have your instant company.

Some already contain the products that you market, some contain the products, but you have to print on them your own company logo and/or designs, others provide the website and the self-replicating software, but you must contract with a wholesaler or distributor for the products. Others allow you to sell your own products. However, because of the virtual world, you’re able to set up almost any type of turnkey company, and then offer your virtual-world “franchise” to others.

Some turnkey websites include:

These are but a few websites to get you started in your research in the turnkey company world. There is also Mallking, Spreadshirt, Cafepress, Downlinemall and other companies where you just sign up and have your own online store. Once you sign up for some of these, you can also recruit others, as in affiliate marketing.

Once you set up your store, then for advertising go to Free Advertising Forum and Free Advertising Exchange, among the many online free advertising resources. These allow for free classified ads, free links, and free banner advertising.

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