Finding Mr. Right

Sometimes it seems as if all men are frogs. You keep kissing them, hoping that one day you’ll find a prince. So, how do you find Mr. Right? Instead of sitting back and letting destiny do her thing, why don’t you give her a hand. Here are few tricks to finding Mr. Right. Who knows, he may be searching for you at this very moment.
First, you have to be ready, not just willing. What I mean is that you need to be confident in yourself, and you need to be independent. You can’t be looking for a man to be that last piece of the puzzle. A lot of men are reluctant to play that part. You need to let the male population know that you are fine with or without a man. This will put less pressure on him, and less pressure on you. Plus, being confident is sexy.
Next, you need to be available. You can’t be looking for Mr. Replacement. If you have not gotten over your last love, you will need to do that first. You tend to get an inaccurate view when you compare one man to another. Everyone is different and they have their own strengths and weaknesses.
Now, you are ready to get an idea of who Mr. Right should be. Make a list of qualities he should have and a list of weaknesses he should not have. Than decide which qualities and weaknesses you will or will not compromise on. This will help you create a goal. Now all you have to do is find a name for Mr. Right.
Now, you are ready to search. Start by looking close to you. If it doesn’t violate any rules, your place of work may be a good pond to fish in. Not just your coworkers, but your business contacts have a lot in common with you already. Most likely, you will have similar backgrounds and have developed a friendship already. In my opinion, you should avoid bars where there is too much competition and game playing. Enlist the help of your friends, who have a pretty good idea of what kind of man you would be compatible with.
Next, you must relax. Just remember that it is not the end of the world if one man doesn’t like you. You only need one man, anyways. If you are tense it will show, and again that is too much pressure to put on a prospect.
Now, you must learn how to flirt. It may seem obvious to you that you are interested in a man, but some men are just oblivious to our signals. They need a little more than just eye contact, and a smile. Joke, compliment, and even a little pat on the back, or some kind of physical contact, may be a clearer sign. If need be, ask him out. The worst that can happen is he says no.
Move on. For some reason, us women have trouble just letting things go. If you meet someone who is not interested, there may not be any explanation. Let it go. Get your closure by telling yourself, “I may not have found the one, but at least I have identified another not quite.”
By following the advice above, you just may find that prince you’ve been looking for. The important thing is never giving up. Your prince may be anywhere and you could cross paths today. Remember the more frogs you kiss, the closer you are to finding that prince. Have fun, be confident, and just relax.