Fitness in Pregnancy

How will you keep fit physically as well as mentally at the time of pregnancy? Can you really swim or brisk walk at this stage? Tips that every mothers to be should know.

The principal concerns of any pregnant woman are:
-Exercise and fresh air
-Avoiding smoky atmosphere and quit smoking if she is a smoker
-Cutting out or cutting down on alcohol


The amount of sleep you get is almost as important as when you sleep. You will benefit more by getting up at the same time each morning and going to bed as roughly the same time each evening. Don’t be surprised to find that you need much more sleep than usual.
– Avoid lying and sleeping on your back as this impedes blood circulation which results in swelling up of ankles and wrists.
– Take an afternoon nap whenever the opportunity arises. If working full time, try to pace yourself as sensibly as possible.
– Make use of your lunch hour to rest.


It should be strictly remembered to eat from the four main food groups and to eat atleast three times a day preferably more often.
-Take your lightest meal in the evening.
-For better health cut down on coffee, alcohol sugar, cakes, biscuits. Sweets and highly processed foods that contain a lot of additives and preservatives.
– Avoid soft and blue veined cheeses and products that contain un pasteurized milk.
-Avoid lightly cooked or raw eggs.
-To avoid constipation, a common problem during pregnancy, eat lots of foods containing fibre, such as whole-wheat cereals, whole meal breads and whole meal pasta.
-Eat foods rich in iron, such as lean red meat, fish, eggs and green leaf vegetables such as spinach.
-Folic acid is important, especially in the three months before and after conception. Look for bread and cereals with added folic acid and eat green leaf vegetables.

Exercise and Fresh Air

Daily exercise in fresh air and sunlight is especially important to pregnant women.

-Sunlight is essential for the formation of Vitamin D. and your lungs benefit by breathing in fresh air.
-Swimming is also a best possible exercise for a pregnant woman. You are weightless in water and can therefore increase your suppleness and stamina without making an enormous effort.
-Walking in flat, supporting shoes is very beneficial. If you walk briskly everyday for at least 15minutes, you improve your cardiovascular and respiratory fitness and also your general muscle fitness which will stand you in good stead for labour.

However if you experience any of the followings stop exercising immediately and rest:
-Pain or feeling of tightness in the abdominal area, chest, arms back or joints
-Any sort of headache
-Unusual fatigue or feeling of inertia

If any of the symptoms persist for more than 5 to 10 minutes, consult your doctor. It is also advised not to embark on any exercise programme without the doctor’s consultation.

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