Friendster Requests: Is it Impolite to Reject Friend Requests?

Everyone is sure to be familiar by now by this thing called Friendster. Friendster is a concept that is fascinating and a lot have followed its lead, like Multiply, Hi-5 and MySpace. A networking type of scheme where you can find old and new friends from the past, both memorable and unforgettable acquaintances, this craze is something that has hit the various nations today, particularly in the states of the United States, Europe, and Asia. For sure, the developers of this Friendster website never thought that such a concept would be this much in demand, something that has forced them to find ways of keeping their market leading ways above the up and coming network building techniques by most people who have seen the promise that such a concept brings.

To add people in a subscriber’s friends list, proper friend request permissions are sent out prior to actually adding them. For authentication purposes, a feature wherein verification if such people are really acquainted are asked such as the e-mail address, first name and last name, to preserve the privacy that most people have. For others, the option of allowing anyone on the Internet to see their profile and adding them as they wish is also made available. All these features are optional and can be set before and during the account subscription, which also happens to be free!

There was a time where Friendster limited the number of friends that one account had to only 500 friends. For most people, 500 is already a lot, hence forcing them to open up another account to be able to accommodate other friends who they may have not included in their list yet. While this was a good way to increase the subscriber database, it also meant having to consider the other factors such as hardware and software for the entire site as well. Storage, bandwidth and other factors needed an upgrade to accommodate such growth of this new fad, and this is certainly something that most successful ventures need to be open to. The limit by the way was eventually lifted, and people could add as many friends as they wished.

The trend continues today for Friendster. Its popularity increasing by the day and acquiring new members as its flourishes. It has made a marquee trademark for most people, and has even expanded the options they can do towards Blogging, profile enhancement using videos and music, testimonials and background enhancements all according to the member’s liking as far as expressing themselves.

Friendster has been successful and the only that perhaps they should take into consideration is their ability to accommodate the growing number of members, the load of data that they will have to carry and also the privacy concerns of most of its valued members. Friendster has allowed the people to express themselves, show off who they really are but perhaps stricter measures as far as display of pictures, which they stress as something that should not be obscene or has copyrights be used. Small as it may seem, perhaps it would be better for them to start monitoring these activities, as they may find themselves in unwanted legal issues which may lead to conflicts and problems not only with the laws that govern it, but with the people who actually hold rights to as far as pictures are concerned.

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