Fun Message Board Games

Many people enjoy visiting online message boards, and many of the same people love playing online games. Combine online games and message boards, and those who love games and interaction with others will have a lot of fun posting the following fun message board game ideas. If you visit message boards and want to contribute fun message board games, consider the following game ideas. Everyone that plays games on your favorite message boards will have fun playing the following fantastic message board games.

When posting a new message board game, include clear instructions and an example so other message board game players understand how the game is played. Message board games are a fun way to get to know new message board members, and once you get started playing message board games, you’ll have a hard time stopping! Message board games are very addictive.

Finish the Sentence Game

This is a really fun message board game for those who enjoy playing message board games. Post part of a sentence, about three or four words, and the next person posting on the message board finishes the sentence and starts a new sentence. For example, the first person could post a sentence beginning with the words “What did you,” and the next person might say “have for breakfast?” Then the 2nd person might start the next one by saying “I had fried.” You can imagine how funny this game can become. Message board game players create some really funny and creative sentences with this fun message board game.

Word Chain Game

The word chain game is an extremely fun and popular message board game. Everyone who loves message board games will enjoy participating in this game. The object of this message board game is to post one word, and the next player posts a word that is somehow connected to the first word. For instance, the first person might post the word “cat.” The next person might choose the word “fish.” The third person could post the word “scale.” This game is definitely a great game to post on your favorite message board, and as you can tell, this message board game can become quite amusive.

Rhyme Time

If you like rhyming word games, this fun message board game is for you! This message board game is extremely easy, and this message board word game is extremely fun. Simply post the instructions along with one word. Try to choose a word that isn’t too unusual, because the next four people will choose words that rhyme with your word. The fifth person will rhyme with your word, and they will choose a new word to start this fun message board game over again.

ABC Animals

This is an easy but entertaining message board word game for those who love message board games. The object of this message board game is to start with the letter “A” and post the name of an animal that begins with the letter “A.” The next person posting on the message board should post an animal that starts with the letter “B.” For example, start this fun message board game by posting the word “ape.” The next person might choose the word “buffalo.” Use your imagination and have fun with this message board game for those who like playing word games on message boards.

Message Board Go Fish

Remember playing the card game, “Go Fish,” when you were a kid? If you love message board games, you can play a fun version of Go Fish. This message board game is a great way to get to know new people on your favorite message board, and it’s extremely entertaining. Start this game by asking a simple question that requires a definite yes or no answer. For example, ask the question, “Do you like fish?” If the next person likes fish, he or she answers by saying yes, and the person that answers asks a new question. If the person answering doesn’t like fish, they reply with the phrase “go fish.” Another person chooses to answer by saying “yes” and posting a new question or they forfeit by saying “go fish.” The question is then passed on to someone else.

What’s in Your Pantry?

This is a fun message board game for those seeking new games for their favorite message boards. This game is simple, but it’s a fun way to find out what other people keep in their pantry. Start this fun message board game by posting something from your pantry that starts with the letter “A.” The next person posts something in their pantry that starts with the letter “B,” and so on. For example, you could start with the word “applesauce,” and the next person might post the word “bread.”

Movie ABC’s

If you like movies, and if you like message board games, consider posting this fun message board game idea on your favorite message board. Simply start with the letter “A,” and post the title of one of your favorite movies. The next player in this fun message board game posts their favorite movie title beginning with a letter “B.” For instance, post the title “Apocalypse Now.” The next player could post the movie title “Battlefield Earth.” Those who join in this creative message board game are sure to have a great deal of fun.

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