Fundraising Helps Provide Needed Equipment for Children Playing in St. Louis Sports Program

Welcome to St. James the Greater School, nicely nestled in a small historic neighborhood known as “Dogtown”, located in St. Louis, Missouri. Our parish is bigger than ever, and we take great pride in the Irish heritage of our ancestors. Centrally located in St. Louis, between Interstates 40 and 44, Dogtown is a quaint, bustling neighboorhood, growing with new homes and businesses. As you leave the beautiful Forest Park and and the world renound St. Louis Zoo, going up Tamm Avenue, the Irish starts there. You will find many local businesses that keeps our neighborhood busy and friendly. Right before you get to Manchester Ave., you will come upon a beautiful church and school. That’s us! All of us who have attended this school, myself included, can tell you first hand what a wonderful asset this school and church is to our neighborhood. Our children and their children attend or have attended this school. There is a true sense of family in this area, and we welcome any and all visitors.

Which brings us to our 41st Annual Little Shamrock Tournament, which will begin on March 4th, 2006 and close with championship games on March 11, 2006. This is a 8th grade boys basketball tournament. Many local area schools are invited. Each year, this tournament brings in much needed money to help support our athletic association, and the sports programs for our children. Our annual tournament ad book is one of the best fundraisers we have. Local businesses and neighboring communities help us by placing ads for their businesses. The children of our school sell the ads, along with their parents, and a mailing list, that is sent to our returning advertisers. Sizes range from a full page ad for 90.00, 1/2 page ad for 50.00, 1/4 page ad for 30.00, and 1/8 page ad (business card) for 10.00. Family ads are also available. They are 1/8 in size for 10.00. These ads are a great way to wish an individual player and/or team “Good Luck”. We also have boosters and patrons available. This is your name listed in our ad book. Booster are 1.00 each and PATRONS (larger print) are 5.00 each.

As you can see, this is a very inexpensive way to promote your business to our area. We have 16 participating teams in our tournament. That is a lot of players, coaches, families, and friends that recieve our ad book, which is given to each visitor that attends our tournament, FREE of CHARGE. Local area businesses have already made their contributions in different ways. We have received several gift certificates, ice cream treats, and even banners for our past, home team champions that have won the tournament. 1967 was the last year that our home team won this tournament, until last year. For the first time in 39 years, our boys brought home the trophy. But without having the funds, we were unable to purchase the much needed banners. A local sign company has donated 2 banners, that will be hung before this year’s tournament begins. One for the class of 1967, and one for the class of 2005. This company also requested to remain anonomous. This will mean so much to our boys who won last year, when they come back to watch this year’s games. And BELIEVE ME, they will be back. People who graduated years and years ago, still come back!

We have a truly spirited and warm heritage, and our neighborhood is full of family and friends. If your in the area, stop on in to one of our local restaurants. Come by and watch a basketball game or two. And if you would like to place an ad, contact Deadline to place your ad is 2/24/06. You will be helping a great group of children, and a very hard working athletic department. Hope to see you soon!

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