Hallway School Center for Kids

Long, rectangular cork board or framed cork boards
Push pins
Wrought iron hangers
Wooden, felt, or paper letters

While the kids are gone to school today, set up a station where they can get organized, keep track of reminders, show off good report cards, and hang up their backpacks. It’s much easier than you might think to fashion an organization center in a hallway, entryway, or other area of your home. Each child can have a place for a backpack, notes, reminders, and more. And, the arrangement will almost look like a decorative home accent because it’s so neat and colorful.

You could hang one long cork board and divide it into sections according to how many kids that you have. Or, frame a cork sheet in an ordinary picture frame for each child. The cork board will allow the child to hang up report cards, leave notes from school for Mom to read, and post reminders. Create the arrangement you want by hanging the large or the individual cork board. Hang all of the cork boards at the same level, or hang one low, one higher, and one even higher, to create a diagonal arrangement that is great for young and older kids.

A cool element for each cork board is the first letter of the child’s name. It can be painted onto the cork or it can be a letter that is glued on. Put on a wooden letter, a felt initial, or a paper letter. Move it to the top, left-hand corner so that there is plenty of room left for notes and such.

Besides the cork board, a child can benefit from a place to hang a backpack or book bag, and that can go right under the cork board. Put a wrought iron or other hanger under each cork board or cork board section. Use it to hang each book bag or backpack. You can find the wrought iron hangers at most any home improvement store.

When you color code everything to the child’s book bag color you create a fun arrangement and you help young kids keep up with their own stuff at the school station. If your child has a pink backpack, use pink push pins on the cork board, and give her a pink initial.

Sometimes, an organizer ends up really messy, as people throw this and that in or on it. But the school station organizer is different. Everything has its place and is color coded to look interesting. Instead of being an eyesore your backpack station organizes school notes and more, and looks beautiful at the same time!

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