How to Adopt a Child from Another Country

It is a good idea to get in touch with somebody who has completed an adoption this can include friends or colleagues. You should ask him or her a lot of questions about the whole adoption process. Ask them about their adoption agency choice and ask them why they chose the agency that they did and also ask them about the pros and cons of the agency that they went to. Go online and make some comparisons between the adoption agencies that you want to use and then narrow your list down to a few international adoption agencies that you want to use and then call these agencies. You are looking for an adoption agency that will help you and partner with you. Look for an agency that has a sense of warmth and trust, and one who is invested in a good outcome for you and your child.
Once you select the agency that you feel is best, then ask the agency for an information package and fill out the application forms. When you’re talking to adoption agency discuss the details of the application process, schedule your home evaluation study and submit the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) forms. Another thing to do is to compare the countries of the children that you want to adopt, most agencies have charts on their website that list available children, by country, gender, age, living situation (foster care, orphanage), the waiting period, parent requirements, travel requirements and adoption fees. After you review all of this, the next thing to do is to apply to the country of your choice.
The next thing to do is to prepare for the home evaluation study which is one of the most important steps in any adoption, regardless of whether it is domestic or international. The home study is generally consists of three parts, multiple visits from a social worker, gathering of paperwork and attending adoption classes. The next thing to do is to consider the age, health and gender of the child that you would like to adopt. Make your preferences clear to the adoption agency.
Choose a child from agency photos or videos. Have a pediatrician review the health status of the child before finalization. When the adoption process is complete and the child goes into your custody, you must travel to the child’s home country to pick him or her up. When you go take somebody that you trust, for safety reasons and peace of mind.
The international adoption process is much longer and much more costly then a traditional domestic adoption, if you’re not prepared to go through what is involved with adopting a child internationally then it is best not to get involved.