How to Adopt a Foster Child

Unfortunately for foster children, many of them are in and out of foster homes all their lives. Some parents choose to give the foster child back to the agency while some fall in love with their foster children. If you are one of those people who decide that they want to adopt their foster child, there is a process you must go through before you can adopt the child. Before you can adopt a foster child you have to make sure that the child is freed for adoption. You must understand that as a foster parent you have no custodial rights to the foster child that you are taking care of. The foster child that you are taking care of is in state custody and you are just a contractor working for the state. Don’t let this fact change your feelings about the child or your adoption aspirations.

It is a good idea to talk to the child’s case worker about the child becoming freed for adoption. Ask questions like when will the child be freed for adoption and what do you have to do to get the child into your custody. Even though the child is in the state’s custody the parent can still be given back to their parent or parents if the court feels that they are fit to care for the child, so before you can adopt the child the parenting rights to the child have to be terminated by the state. Before the state will grant you the right to adopt the child they will be evaluating your parenting skills and the relationship that you have with the child, this is the same process that all adoptive parents go through not just foster parents.

When you adopt the child as your own you will no longer receive payments from the state government for caring for the child. The child will be yours as if born to you. Another thing to consider is taking the foster child to a counselor so that the child can understand the adoption process a little better. Most foster children move from one foster home to another, so the idea of staying in one home permanently will be new to them. Don’t expect the child to forget his or her biological parents, many foster children have contact with them regularly so you must understand that they may be a part of the child’s life. One of the best things to do when adopting a foster child is to have an attorney guide you through the process so you don’t make any mistakes, when you are doing the adoption process on your own you must know a lot about state laws to do things the right way.

To make the child feel like a welcomed member of your family, you should have a celebration the day that the adoption process is complete. Last but not least if the state doesn’t release the child for adoption or the child is adopted by someone else let them know that you love them and keep in regular contact with them so you can have a lasting relationship.

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