How to Become a Stunt Man or Stunt Woman

When it comes to pursuing a career in the field of stunt man or woman, there are really a lot of things that you will need to take into consideration. First you will obviously need to be pretty athletic in order to enter the field of stunt man or women. The qualifications for these jobs require that you put yourself into a lot of high risk situations. If this sounds like something that you want to try and pursue, then you should take the time to continue reading this article.

In the past this profession was just for men. Most young boys would watch movies and begin to idolize those that they saw and want to be just like them. The only difference today is that there are just as many women on television doing wild and crazy stunts. Because of this trend more and more girls are looking to become stunt women. This is actually a really good field to get into since most actors do not do their own stunts. In addition to the fact that the producers on most of these top films do not want them to do the stunts either.

They are worth far too much money to put them at risk for getting hurt. But what it really takes to be a stunt man is to begin by taking a few martial arts classes. You may be wondering why take martial arts, but many of the top stunt men around the world have taken these courses. But keep in mind that the stunt business is a tough one to get into. Your chances of becoming a stung man or women will be greatly increased if you are a martial arts expert, or a world class gymnast. This will help others to see how athletic you are and will give you some of the training you need in order to succeed in this career.

If you are thinking about going to a stunt school you should know that there are some but none that are actually official. Besides most of the worlds top stunt men have never been at any type of stunt school. Once you have acquired some type of training in the fields mentioned above you should then make a video tape of yourself, performing your skill. Skill does not include doing stupid stunts like those you see on MTV. You need to really demonstrate your skill. Then you will need to get that tape seen by a professional stunt coordinator. This task is really a lot easier said than done.

These stunt coordinators receive hundreds of tapes on a daily basis, so do not be surprised if no one even looks at the first fifty tapes that you send out. The key to success as a stunt man or women is to persevere. As with most careers it will take you a lot of hard work to get yourself known.

You should also understand that these stunt coordinators are not just looking for someone to do anything, but who is able to do a stunt efficiently and safely. Remember practice to perfect your craft and you may be able to break into the world of professional stunt men and women. For additional information on how you can get into this field you can visit the following websites:,,

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