How to Choose the Right Architect

When you have a job to do, of course you want it to be done right. The same as when you want a custom home to be built for you and your family. Finding the right architect for the job is essential. If you know anyone who has had a home built ask them for recommendations for a reliable architect. Check with friends, relatives, co-workers and even estate agents who sold you your lot. If you see a house that is under the process of being built that you like in your area, do not hesitate to inquire about the architects who are over the project. If you go to your local town building department, the blueprints on file will have the architect’s name and address.

When you have a list of desire architect’s, interview several of them. Have an in depth conversation about your ideas and how you expect your future home to look. If you have sketches, bring those along to the meeting. When talking to the architect’s, pay attention to how closely they pay attention to you and your descriptions. Check out the candidates portfolio or plans that he has completed in the past. Ask for client references. It is best to contact clients who have been living in their home for a couple of years. Ask if they are satisfied with the job that their architect did on their home, or if they would have preferred for someone else to have done the job. It is important however to know that when you contact the references, do not have the architect present. This way you can be more in depth and personal with the client without feeling awkward or disrespectful.

When you feel comfortable with an architect, select him to do the job. Any contract services that are made up should always be reviewed by your attorney. Once everything comes back in order, begin to carry out the contract and begin the design work. When discussing fee’s, try to negotiate a flat fee for the entire design project. At the end of the project, you do not want to encounter any hidden fee’s or unexpected costs. Hourly fees can result in disputes and you may feel that excessive hours were unnecessary because the architect did not listen to your directions. Compare the fees for the services given. Are the services that they say they offer detailed and comprehensive? Is the interior landscape and structural engineering included? These are important factors to consider on whether or not you have picked the perfect person to do the job. But when you do find the right person to construct your home, prepare for a luxurious beautiful home.

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