How to Control and Eliminate Mice from Your Home

Having rodents, such as mice, invade your home and take up residence can be extremely inconvenient. It’s also a health risk, because their droppings contain a virus that can even be fatal to a human being. However, most people aren’t exterminators and they don’t know how to properly guard their homes against the entry of mice or other rodents. They also don’t know how to get mice out once they have gained entry into your home. This article discusses how to properly control the mice population in your home, as well as make your house unappealing to them.


The first step to controlling mice is by preventing access to your home. As we all know from the movies, mice are small and can get through the smallest of opening. Never underestimate a determined mouse. They have the capability of chewing through wood just to get through an opening. A mouse will live in just about anything, whether it’s under furniture, in boxes, or between your walls. The purpose, however, is to prevent them from even making it that far. I can’t guarantee that you close all openings and keep all of the mice out, but you can certainly reduce and control the amount.

Start off by going outside and evaluating the exterior of your home. Do you see any part or crack that would allow a mouse entry into your home? A good starting point is the foundation. If there are any cracks or holes big enough for a mouse to get through then you’ll want to consider filling that hole. Since mice are shy, they’re constantly looking for cover. By scaling down the plants and weeds that go up to the edge of your home you’re reducing their cover and making it unappealing to them. Another important and easy fix is to move your garbage can far away from your garage or side of the house. Mice are looking for food and by picking up on the scents from the garbage can they may gain access to your home.

Most people think that by proofing their house on the interior they’re blocking access, but the most important steps are on the exterior of the home. However, you can also look for any openings in the house such as a hole in the sheetrock or opening from the floor to the wall that is just the right size for a mouse. Fill these holes and cracks with appropriate materials.

Catching a Mouse

So you’ve done all you can to proof your home against rodent entry, but there still seems to be a mouse lingering around your house and nibbling on all your cereal boxes. Because poisonous traps can be toxic and dangerous to you and your family, I suggest using traditional traps like the spring trap, the sticky trap, or simply attempting to capture it yourself.

Be sure to place the traps where mice are most active. For instance, if you’ve spotted droppings in a particular area then you’ll want to place them there. As I mentioned earlier, mice are shy creatures and will travel along the edges of your home. Place the traps there as well.

I have had the most success with the sticky traps. Depending on the size of the mouse, some can easily escape from the traditional spring traps and will set off to roam the remainder of your home. Sticky traps will hold a mouse regardless of its size and determination. However, if you feel that this is a cruel way to catch a rodent then you can release the mouse by coating the trap with corn oil after it’s been caught. Just be careful to not be bit by the rodent.

Those are just a few ways to control and eliminate the threat of mice entering your home. If you’re having a serious problem with controlling the mice population in your home then immediately call a local exterminator for professional help.

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