How to Have a Baby Boy

What dietary recommendations are there prior to trying to conceive a baby boy?
The majority theorize that in order to have a boy you should plan on following this manly menu: salty foods, red meats, pickles, olives, fish, eggs peas, sweet corn, soda bread, figs, apricots, raisons, dried prunes, beans, avocado, zucchini and mushrooms. Try to keep your diet anti-acidic and drink 2-3 cups of green tea starting the day your period is over. Get hubby involved by having him drink a strong cup of coffee about a1/2 hour before bed to make the “little guys” more active. (Nothing is mentioned if the “little girls” daintily refuse such an obnoxious push.)
What does a woman’s body condition have to do with determining a baby’s gender?
Many theorize gender determination has different aspects such as temperature, cervical mucus and a woman’s vaginal PH at the time of conception. It is recommended that a woman record her temperature every morning (before doing anything else as this would change the results) to determine ovulation and cervical mucus every day for at least three cycles. The standard is that the most promising day for conceiving a boy is the higher the temperature (the day of ovulation) and the increased, looser cervical mucus. One thing that is supposed to help this is to drink three glasses of grapefruit juice a day from the day your last period stops and it will increase your cervical discharge. (I did not include this in the dietary recommendations as it seemed to contradict the “less acidic” theory.)
What do positions during sex and the timing of intercourse have to do with the conceiving of a baby boy?
The Y-bearing (male) sperm swim faster then the X-bearing (female) sperm, therefore it is theorized that if you attempt intercourse on the day that you ovulate, the “boys” will reach the egg first. It is also speculated that the “rear-entry” position during intercourse deposits sperm nearer the cervix because of the deeper penetration and gravity. Another age old (and sexist?) myth states that rough sex makes boys, as girls prefer to materialize from a slower gentler approach. Many also state that if a woman orgasms before the man, there is more of a chance at conceiving a boy. One popular method claims that men should refrain from ejaculation completely before the day of conception increasing the sperm count while another says that this actually increases the percentage of female sperm.
What is the “Chinese Birth Calendar” and how does it enhance my chances of having a baby boy?
The Chinese Birth Calendar is based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. It is believed to have an accuracy of 99%. Based on your age at the time and the actual month of conception, you can supposedly predict what gender your child will be. It is said that it originated from a Royal Tomb in China with the original copy being kept in The Institute of Science in China.
There are also many other methods for gender determination that are more involved. They are based on things such as phases of the moon, astrology, the sex of your previous children etc and a few that combine many of these aspects. A lot of these resources are free and can be found listed on many pregnancy related websites.
All of the myths and tips outlined in these articles are nothing more then just that. Although trying for a boy might be serious business to some, everyone interested should not lose sight of the fact that in most cases, it still remains a 50/50 chance. When researching the different theories and methods, remember that the joy is in trying and the fun is in guessing. Keep in mind that a baby blue base-coat on your nursery walls can always be used as a beautiful accent if a pretty pastel pink needs to be introduced.