How to Install Acoustic Ceiling Tiles

Standard acoustic ceiling tiles are a great way to cover up a newly built ceiling in your basement or refinishing an old ceiling that just needs a new look. Their ease of installation and cheap price are one of the many reasons a lot of home owners install them. With a variety of designs and textures they have become a versatile product that will last for many years in your home. They also make a great acoustic barrier for noisy upstairs guests.

Acoustic ceiling tiles are very easy to install and require a minimum of tools and supplies. All you need are the ceiling tiles themselves, a stapler, glue, and a sharp knife. You can place acoustic ceiling tiles over plywood, drywall, furring strips or any flat surface that may already exist.

Before you begin, find the part of the ceiling which is the most square. You can easily do this by measuring. First measure one wall to 6 feet and make a small mark. Measure the opposite wall and make a mark at 8 feet. Measure the distance in between the two. If its 10 feet it’s perfectly square. As long as you’re within a Ã?½ inch you should be alright to start the ceiling tiles.

Standard acoustic ceiling tiles have four lips. Two of the lips are larger than the other two. The larger of the two lips always faces you when you’re hanging the tiles. Start by attaching the first tile squarely in the corner. Attach using the staple gun and a little glue. Put at least two staples in each side of the tile. If any of the staples are sticking out on the lip, you will need to counter sink them slightly with a nail set.

Slide the second tiles small lip onto the first tiles small lip. Make sure the ends are completely flush. Attach with the staple gun making sure to put two staples in each exposed side and counter sinking any overly exposed staples with the nail set. Continue along in this fashion until you have completed the first row. When you reach the end you will need to measure and cut the piece. Scribe with a utility knife on the finished side and gently fold in half to break it at your cut. Inspect each tile as you go along to make sure it’s not damaged along the corners. You can use a broken tile for the end where you need to cut.

Once the first row is complete, start back at the beginning of the row. Slide the second piece into the last row and adjust until the edges are completely square. If it’s off a bit, you can readjust the tile as you go, just don’t put to many staples in it. Once you have adjusted it properly, finish stapling it off before you cover it with the next tile. Work your way along the rest of the room until you reach the end. You may need to cut the far end into small strips. Use a utility knife as in the previous steps to cut the ceiling tile.

A straight, square tile ceiling is decorative as well as functional. It’s an easy way to perk up an old ceiling or to create a new one, cheaply and efficiently, even if you’ve never done it before.

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