How to Spot Mold Growth in Your Home

What is that horrible musty smell? You can’t open the windows and let in fresh air. It’s just too hot and humid, so you decide to do some cleaning in hopes of eliminating the odor. You reach under the kitchen sink to get your cleaning supplies and thats when you notice the bowl catching the water dripping from the pipe. Your husband promised to fix that a week ago. Just like the other little repairs. That little leak in the bedroom thats caused that stain on the ceiling, those tiles need to be replaced in the bathroom…the ones turning black around the edges and falling off, oh yeah and the gutters need cleaned, the wood underneath is starting to bubble and peel from all the rain. I don’t know if he can even do anything with the basement, it’s always so damp down there, maybe it’s from the clothes dryer. I knew we should have installed a vent going outside.

If this sounds all too familiar, you have a very serious problem. In all probability you have a mold growth in your home. These are prime conditions for mold to develop and thrive.

Did you know that mold can make you and your family sick? Research shows that it causes respiratory problems like asthma, allergic reactions and sinusitis. It can cause more serious ailments such as pulmonary hemorrhaging in infants and memory impairment in older children and adults. Mold also has toxic effects on the lungs and nervous system.

The only way to rid your home of harmful mold and keep you and your family safe is to find the problem areas. Search in and around the basement, kitchen, and bathroom for any source of leak that could provide moisture. Check ceilings, baseboards and around window sills as well, for the possibility of where rain and elements may be entering the home.

Mold may also be seen visibly as dark discoloration, or as a raised bumpy patch that sometimes may appear almost velvety in texture. The color may vary, with some molds being a golden color, some green in tint, and some molds even a shade of black or gray.

Once the problem areas are located, you must fix the source of moisture, remove and dispose of all mold contaminated materials. then disinfect the entire area with household bleach to discourage mold growth from returning.

Small jobs you may want to handle yourself. For your protection wear a dust mask, rubber gloves and protective eye wear during the clean up process. But, for large jobs it would be best to call in an expert.

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