Kodak Camera C310 Product Review

Last week I bought a fabulous little camera that I have fallen in love with and would like to share with you. My Kodak Camera Easy Share Model C310 is a great piece of technology in the era of the modern digital cameras. Digital Cameras have replaced all old forms of digital photography and there has become no need for negatives in photography and the printing out of pictures.

I decided to buy the Kodak C310 model because I was tired of using my old camera which required that I develop film from the pictures. Using the photo box on the camera allows me to view pictures I took from weeks or months ago. The camera is also very small and a lot simpler to use than my old camera which required an instructional manual to read before you took any pictures.

My digital camera is around 6 inches in length and 4 inches in width. It is so tiny that it can fit in the palm of your hand and in your pocket. This great camera which comes with a 35 millimeter zoom in lens has been a pleasure for me to use and I have had absolutely no hassles with the camera. I bought the camera from Circuit City and this camera model the C310 was heavily advertised by the store. Circuit City offered a ten percent coupon off of the item. The final price of the camera came out to be around $110. In this great deal Circuit City even threw in a free camera case in a black color and a soft cushion to protect the camera from getting scratched and ruined. The carrying case has two different compartments which allows you to store a memory card.

The Kodak camera is simple to use that even me, a person who has great difficulty with even the simplest technological items, was able to get the hang of using this great camera in no time. When you look at the camera, there are 4 main buttons for using the camera but in reality you only have use for two buttons. One is the off switch. The other is the auto button which turns on the camera. This dial is located at the top of the camera.

At the top of the camera is also a rectangular button that a person presses down on to take the picture. While taking the picture, you see the image of the people you are taking the picture of in front of you. This picture box on the inside of the camera facing the picture taker allows the person to make sure that everyone is smiling and can be seen in the photograph. Once the picture is taken, the people in the picture and the picture taker can look at the finished image on the screen on the camera and decide if they like the photograph. If they do not like the photograph and wish to get rid of it or take a new picture, then you can use the delete button which is a very small circular button located on the inside surface of the camera. Once you press this button, the camera will ask if you are sure you want to delete the photograph. Simply press yes and the picture will be deleted. Or you can press the “Cancel” if you decide to change your mind and keep the picture.
On the inside surface and the right side are two rectangular buttons labeled “Menu” and “Review.” The Menu button allows you to choose further options like magnifying the image or possibly sending the image to friends and family. The Review button allows you to view previous images on your memory card that you have already taken.

On the left side of the camera are arrow keys which allow you to move back and forth between photographs on the memory chip. When turning on the camera, it is important to wait until the red light at the top of the camera stops blinking and wait until the light turns green. This green light signifies that the memory card and camera is fully loaded and ready to begin taking pictures. The camera also comes with a power cord that connects to the camera and plugs into the wall to charge up the battery of the camera

The final feature of the camera is that it allows you to zoom in and zoom out of the picture to make the object, person or place appear larger or smaller than their actual size. Objects that seem far away can be made much bigger using the zoom in lens of the Kodak C310.

The only thing I would change about my camera is I wish that the battery of the camera was quicker. If the camera has not been charged up through an electrical outlet, it takes several minutes before the camera is ready to snap pictures.

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