Law of Circulation

As the early morning sports anchor at CBS4 in Denver, part of my regular routine is to sit on the set awaiting the time I perform my duties of informing folks what’s going on in the wild, entertaining and often, wacky, world of American sports. I just sit there listening to what the news anchors have going on, getting ready for a “tease” or my actual sportscast.

A recent morning as I sauntered onto the set, news anchors Brooke Wagner and Ed Greene were in the process of a live interview with a NASA scientist about a new project, that through improved satellite technology and digital cameras, was giving us a much greater idea of what is going on with Planet Earth in terms of weather patterns, environmental damage and other important issues.

“Its amazing,” stated the scientist who was based in Maryland. “We’re starting to see that a weather disturbance on one side of Earth can have dramatic effect on weather on the other side of the world.”

That statement took me back to the day before. When, once again, on the set during a commercial break all of us were chatting away and Mr. Greene brought up a school science project of his, many years ago. What he remembered from the experiment was Sir Issac Newton’s third law of physics: “for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.”

The scientist’s comment about climate disturbances effecting weather far removed took me back to, the day before, and Newton’s law and how that rule is just as true in life, as in science.

Later that morning, I’m sitting at the breakfast bar in my kitchen, reading the newspaper. It’s the 13th of October, the waning hours of Yom Kippur, the most sacred day for Jewish faithful. The Day of Atonement; a time to spend fasting and praying for spiritual renewal.

It’s also Ramadan. The Muslim Holy Month; also a time of fasting and prayer as Muslims worldwide seek greater intimacy with God; spotlight the plight of the poor and hungry, and strengthen family and community.

It’s the first time in 33 years that Ramadan and the Jewish High Holy Days have aligned on the calendar and I’m reading a great article in the Denver Post that reports Jews and Muslims were coming together to pray, celebrate their faiths, while not feeling pressure to compromise their beliefs.

Wow, that’s pretty cool if you ask me. Two major religions coming together in tolerance and love with a desire to gain knowledge of one another. Is Sir Issac’s law at work here?

Then my thoughts turn to prayer. I wonder, in this deeply sacred time of their respective religions, what are Jewish and Muslim faithful praying for? As they immerse themselves in the depths of their souls and communicate with their higher power, what is on their minds?

World peace? World domination? The elimination of hunger and poverty in the world? Perhaps, it’s a miracle healing for a loved one suffering from terminal illness? Maybe they’re praying for a better job to support their family? A more loving and supportive relationship with their spouse?

Then my thoughts go to something I learned the other morning during a breakfast chat with a friend who is always spinning off one-liner’s that I affectionally call, “Jerry’s Breakfast Gems.”

“God intended for people to be loved and things used,” stated Jerry Gibson. “But these days, too often, we have the order reversed. We love things and use people.”

Are our Muslim and Jewish friends praying for people, or things?

What can we all, regardless of religious affiliation, affection or lack thereof, learn from all this?

If we get back to Sir Issac Newton’s third law of physics which is basically a law of circulation that suggests, “what goes around comes around” can it be true that ALL of us should be praying for one another? Could it be, that in neglecting to do this, if you believe Newton’s law, are we setting ourselves up for some ugly backwash?

I have an idea about prayer that could be true for anyone, regardless if you believe there’s a higher power or not.

Each day, as you awaken to the new dawn, try and commit to accomplishing three things with your actions, thoughts and words: honor yourself; nurture those who depend upon you; and make sure your actions, thoughts and words add value to the community you serve.

Like it or not, we are connected: The NASA scientist; Sir Issac Newton; Jews and Muslims; three examples of this truth from a 24-hour experience of reporting and reading the news.

Reach out to one another in loving and supportive ways by first, reaching inside for a moment of atonement and cleansing via a commitment to honor yourself, nurture others and add value to our world through the community you’re currently immersed within.

When presenting “Run to Daylight: Transforming Potential into Prosperity” I tell the story of being informed one day after a presentation, of a great saying, that has been attributed to many, including Eleanor Roosevelt.

“Yesterday is history; tomorrow’s but a mystery; today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.”

Yes, our world’s past includes too much hatred and bigotry toward others. Here’s another “Jerry’s Breakfast Gem” for you: “the past is not to be lived in, but learned by.” Okay, who knows what the future holds. All we have is today. It’s a gift, let’s take advantage of the present.

You don’t have to pray. But if you’re alive and breathing, you will have thoughts that lead to words and actions, right? Choose wisely.

Sir Issac’s law does not discriminate. You don’t have to be a whiz at physics to figure that out. Working in, and reading from, the information world, reminded me of that.

Where are the reminders of the action/reaction law in your life that perhaps, have been ignored?

Wherever it is, take positive action. It will bounce back at you!

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