Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

It’s been a long year, but it’s now time to send you my annual Christmas Wish List.

A lot has changed with me since last year. I didn’t realize it totally, until I started getting ideas together for you. You see, I don’t really want anything….but yet, I want everything! Doesn’t make much sense, does it? Maybe I should say that the things I want aren’t the things you can put under the tree.

Let me just try to put together a list that makes some kind of sense. So, here goes….

1.) I want a Time Machine. I really always have wanted one, but especially now. I want to be able to come out of my room, and find all my family gathered around the table for Christmas Dinner. I want to hear the laughter, see the smiles, smell the kitchen scents of the meal. I want to play football and go sled riding with my friends long forgotten. Imagine all we could experience, if only we could go back in time. I could meet Harry Truman. I could watch Babe Ruth hit #714, and warn John Lennon while there was still time.

2.) I want to make a living from things I enjoy. With all the wonderful places to see, and photograph, I could spend a lifetime taking pictures of them all. Or, at least, I want to be able to stop time. So, when traveling for work, I can have time to take those pictures of things I now can only try to remember from the brief glimpses I got of them while driving by.

3.) Well, I guess this is the same as my other requests, but for different reasons. I want to be young again. Back to an age before I had been exposed to, and learned to hate. Back to a time when the wonder of Nature was much easier seen. I can barely remember a time when I didn’t know people were “different” for reasons I didn’t understand. But, I can remember seeing that, because of those “differences”, I had to fear them, if not dislike them.

Well, Santa….I guess there’s really nothing you can bring me this year. It sounds like I’ve already had all I’ve ever needed. When I learn how to keep the world from stealing the innocence of my youth, I will again have more than I could ever ask for…all within my own heart.

I’ll still leave milk and cookies for you, and carrots for the reindeer.

Your Friend, Randy

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