Make Your Monthly Cycle Easy to Predict

If you’re like many women tired of having surprised periods or confused about your cycle, maybe it’s time to start period tracking. At the website My Monthly Cycles ( ) you can track your period and symptoms every month. Choose from several different symptoms you may be experiencing during, after or before your period. Choose the level of the symptom from mild, moderate or severe. Then take advantage of the fertility calendar which predicts when you’ll be fertile. Keep in mind that this is only a guideline. It is not intended to diagnose when you may or may not become pregnant. Once you have tracked your period for the first time, you can calculate when you’re next period will be. You can also add notes such as your last breast exam, BBT and more.

If you’re looking to keep an eye on your weight for whatever reason, you can add when you’ve lost and gained weight. You can view your weight and other history under the ‘My History Reports’. A cool feature that allows you to print out and take to your doctor your information. It makes it easier for them to see how irregular or regular your cycle is.

If you’re pregnant you can calculate the baby’s due date. Or you can enter a certain date and find out if you were to conceive on a certain date, when your baby would be due. You can even use a calculator to find out when you or someone else you know was conceived.

Each week there’s a poll for you to answer if you’d like and compare with other’s results. The website itself has a nice pastel pink border. It’s pretty easy to navigate around. Like many of us, we can forget to log in and record which is why the ‘Remind Me’ feature is great. You can choose when you’re reminded via e-mail of your next period or when you’ll be fertile again. All this is free, they offer an upgraded membership but the free basics is a good way to start. On the website there’s also health news, polls, glossy, cycle products and a lot more.

Signing up is easy. All you need is a user name ID, password, e-mail address, location and to check the box that you understand the terms and conditions. This is a great website for women of all ages to use.

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