Monogram Your Wedding

When thinking about the theme for your wedding, have you thought about incorporating a monogram? Actually, one of the greatest new trends in weddings is to include the couple’s new monogram into the wedding in some way. In fact, many couples have made it such an artistic affair that it’s become the whole theme of the wedding!

Monograms are actually a great way to tie together the fact that you’re starting a new life together and can be used in a wide variety of ways. You can use them on stationery seals, stickers, embossed notecards or other post-wedding stationery, your guestbook, ribbons, gift bags and wedding favors, or have it embroidered into everything from a handkerchief to the ring bearer’s pillow – even on the bride’s garter! If you have a vivid imagination – anything goes with your new monogram!

The best part about your monogram is that you can make it anything you want! You can go from a more standard looking monogram to a design that more or less incorporates your initials so artistically that it doesn’t even look like a monogram at all! It will become sort of a logo that reminds all of your friends of you everytime they see it.

You can actually have a professional design your monogram, or you can get inspiration from the web and make your own with a graphic design program or a word processor. You might have an artistic friend who will create you monogram for you.

One of the most standard things to keep in mind is that, in a monogram, the bride’s initial comes first, followed by the new shared last initial and the groom’s initial following behind. However, other options include the four-initial monogram for brides who want to keep their last name or something as simple as a two-initial monogram featuring the bride and groom’s first initials. The two initial monogram offers you the most room to work with and leaves room for creativity, but a more traditional three-initial monogram is often the most widely used.

Before you go all monogram-happy and put it on everything, you should keep in mind that your monogram has a time and place. Your reception is the best place for the monogram to debut. Avoid using the monogram on invitations, as using a joined monogram before you’re married is often frowned upon. Using your monogram in your wedding is actually up to you, though many suggest using your monogram in small doses or in not-so-noticeable locations. However, when and where you use your new monogram is truly up to you.

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