My Pregnancy Moment

I was engaged at the time i got pregnant. I was on an emotional roller-coaster due to my wedding preparations and countless conflict i had with my partner.

I prayed to God and said “God, if we are not meant for each other please give me a baby”. HE did – and my life was changed forever.

I have a very regular period round the clock. I was a bit surprised one time when my period did not come at all. I knew right then and there that my prayer was answered. I did feel some pre-menstrual signs that time and concluded that it might be late.

One day i woke up and my instinct told me that i am indeed pregnant. My feeling was too strong to deny. After a week of being delayed i faced the truth and tested that very same night – it was positive. I admit that even if i wanted to have a baby, fear did set in.

The question of getting married soon surfaced. My relationship with my partner came to a crashing halt. We realized that we were so different together, but because i owe him the news i called him. He couldn’t believe that it was real and i knew it would take some time for him to absorb the news.

Day by day from the time i learned i was pregnant, i was joyous with the thought that i am taking extra care of my own baby. Imagine having a tiny human growing inside your tummy. Blessings have poured both from our careers. I have fulfilled my career when i was pregnant. The baby cooperated inside, he was telling me that I deserve the kind of happiness and he had helped me fulfill it.

There are times that i cried out of sheer loneliness. But when the baby kicked me inside,I’m assured that i will never be lonely in my life again.

I have prayed and welcomed my pregnancy much to my delight. People have witnessed how happy i was at the moment. I was blessed of having the power to conceive and bring life into this world. Babies are miracles. Each of us is a miracle. I have felt what a parent should feel. I have cried for the same reasons why my parents cried.

All of us became babies and just imagine how much joy our parents felt when we were around. They might not manifest it clearly. But one things for sure, we are loved and will never be forgotten.

My partner and I got married sooner than expected and glad that we did.

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