On Overview of Cancer Development Theory and the Implication of Calcium in Prevention

The body’s pH balance is a significant potential implication in the cause of cancer, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer. With many years of research, evidence has shown cancer is attributed to an anaerobic condition of the body. When organs become acidic, pH balances fall below 7, and the body falls into an anaerobic state. In addition to cancer, a variety of other diseases and conditions may ensue when pH is below 7 as well. With the discovery of the implication calcium has on the pH balance of the body, many physicians and nutritionists are providing recommendations for adult consumption of calcium fortified diets and supplements. So, how does the body process calcium?

Within the body, calcium is responsible for significant function. Promoting DNA rejuvenation, calcium works to keep the body healthy and youthful, provides the needed electrical supply for the heart and cardiac system, nervous system and facilitates the promotion of oxygen required to maintain the aerobic status our organs need. Additionally, through research, it has been determined calcium may not only prevent cancer but also lower blood pressure, prevent intestinal tumors and improve symptoms associated with premenstrual disorder.

Cancer statistics have shown women who consume the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of calcium, may reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 30 percent and a 20 percent reduction in the risk for colorectal cancer. Consuming this level of calcium is most appropriately done through Vitamin D fortified milk however calcium supplements are recommended as well. However, if milk is not preferred, calcium can be obtained through consumption of cheeses and yogurt. By doing so, however, the added Vitamin D required for bone strength may be missed and should be supplemented through vitamins and minerals. Of an important side note, most nutritionists and physicians agree the use of calcium carbonate tablets may not be as effective. So, what is the recommendation for calcium supplements?

For adults who wish to maintain proper pH levels within the body, the recommended calcium intake is 1,000 mg per day with 1,500 mg recommendation after the age of 50. Additional calcium can be used, however, at no time, should the intake exceed 2,000 mg per day unless recommended by a physician.

With the addition of 1,000 mg of calcium per day, the body can maintain organ pH levels at or above 7 which prevents an acidic state within the body. By avoiding acidic build up, the body will continue to function in an aerobic state thereby warding off the potential opportunity for cancer, such as breast and colorectal cancer, and many other degenerative diseases.

For information on calcium fortified foods and milk varieties, visits www.whymilk.com or www.calciuminfo.com .

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