Pain Management Clinics

What many people do not understand is that chronic pain is not just about the pain. Pricking one’s finger or spraining an ankle can be emotionally and mentally coped with because the victim knows that the pain will go away. When chronic pain sets in, however, there is no end in sight, and the patient may begin to feel other effects, such as anxiety and depression.

In addition, chronic pain sufferers often turn to massive amounts of painkillers and develop harmful dependencies that only serve to complicate their health. Reckless consumption of drugs like vicodin, morphine, demoral, and others will only begin to numb the body and develop an immunity to any painkillers at all.

This is why more and more sufferers of chronic pain are turning to pain management clinics, which help patients to find healthy and productive ways of dealing with chronic pain. According to statistics, more than 50% of patients with chronic pain who participated in pain management treatment for 12 months experienced a significant change in their ability to deal with chronic pain.

Pain management clinics vary in their treatment options; some focus on one particular method of treatment, while others diversify so that patients can find what works best for them. Medical providers of all types and from all backgrounds come together to help people with chronic pain get a handle on their ailments and forge new futures.

Healthcare providers who are commonly found at pain management clinics include neurologists, phsycologists, psychistrasts, physical therapists, anesthesiologists, internists, bone and muscle specialists and even holistic practitioners. Clergymen are sometimes found on the staff as well as self-help motivational speakers. All of these different healthcare providers offer different levels of combined treatment for chronic pain sufferers.

Although medication is not the emphasis of a pain management clinic, some drugs are prescribed in minor doses to show chronic pain sufferers how to safely and effectively control their pain. Anti-inflammatory, steroids, anti-anxiety pills, antidepressants and anti-convulsants are just a few of the most popular types of medication at a pain management clinic. However, it is rare to find narcotics in large quantities because that is not the emphasis of pain management clinics.

Therapy is administered in different ways to different patients, but there is usually a combination of techniques designed to find what works best for the patient. Sometimes family members are invited to the pain management clinic to learn how to administer proper massage and other forms of physical therapy. Deep-breathing exercises, acupuncture, hot-and-cold therapy and self hypnosis are a few of the more popular forms of therapy at a pain management clinic.

Before checking into a pain management clinic, be sure that the clinic is properly accredited and that the healthcare professionals all have obtained the proper certifications in their fields. You can contact John Hopkins Center or the Mayo Clinic for a list of pain management clinics in your area, and you are sure to be given names of clinics that are reputable and have a positive track record.

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