Paxil: The Postpartum Miracle Pill

Paxil is a postpartum miracle pill. Paxil saved me after having my first baby. I had a bad case of postpartum blues and had no idea what was going on. I had my first child at a young age, so I didn’t know much. After having my baby I became very depressed. I should have been the happiest person in the world but instead I was very sad.

I wouldn’t let anyone hold my baby, feed my baby, or change my baby’s diaper, including my husband. I would sit in the chair holding him and just cry for hours. I kept thinking to myself that he may just stop breathing and die. I was scared to lay him down because I felt that I may never hold him again, I felt like he may die at anytime.

This went on for a week, then someone told me I had postpartum depression. I called my doctor and told him what was going on and he told me that I definitely had postpartum depression and he was going to call me a prescription in.

He told me not to worry because many new mothers get postpartum blues. After taking paxil for about a week I began feeling better, feeling happy, and feeling like myself. For the first time since the birth of my baby, I was able to enjoy being a mother.

I was going through a bad depression before I took paxil. If I would have went on without paxil, I probably would have ended up in a mental hospital. Paxil is not habit forming, but you will need to be slowly taken off of it. Don’t try to quit cold turkey because you will more than likely have a bad relapse.

Avoid alcohol while taking paxil, it seems to make the depression worse. If you are nursing your baby, you can not take paxil because it will pass into your milk and on to your baby.

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