Pool Closing Tips for All Pool Types

To be sure your pool closing goes smoothly, use the pool closing tips listed below. A swimming pool company will come out to your home and do the job for you, but they will charge between $ 125 – $ 200 plus chemicals to do so. Therefore, you can save a bundle by learning how to close your pool yourself.
Pool closing tips –
Add a phosphate remover – Even if your water levels are good, you will want to add a phosphate remover to your water. Algae thrives on phosphates, and if you’ve ever had algae in your pool, you know how difficult it is to get rid of. Adding a phosphate remover will remove the ‘food’ that algae crave.
Sweep and/or vacuum– Before closing your pool, you want to remove as much dirt and debris as possible. Sweep it, vacuum it, scoop it, and do whatever it takes to get loose debris out of the pool before closing it up.
Lower your water level – If you live in a climate that is prone to freezing temperatures, you will want to lower the water level in your pool to roughly 6″ below your skimmer. If you live in a warm climate, this is a step you won’t need to worry about.
Check chemical levels – If you don’t have a home testing kit, take a fresh sample of water to your local swimming pool supplier. For a small fee, they will check your water and test your PH, calcium hardness, and total alkalinity levels. Many places will even do this at no charge if you buy your chemicals from them. Getting a professional reading will ensure the correct chemicals are added to the water before closing your pool.
Backwash your filter – Your pool gets a lot of use over the summer, and just as the water gets dirty, so does the filter. Backwashing will reverse the flow of water from you filter, thereby removing even the smallest particles of dirt and debris. This process typically takes between 2 – 3 minutes. You will know when to stop backwashing when the water runs clear.
Blow out your lines – Use an air compressor to blow water out of your lines. Once your lines are empty, antifreeze can be added to them to prevent freezing (cold climates only). You will typically use one gallon of antifreeze for every line in the pool.
Remove equipment – Pull out ladders and handrails from the pool and store in a dry place. Diving boards and slides can also be moved away from the pool.
Cover the pool – A winter cover, tarp, or safety cover should be attached securely over the pool. This will keep children and pets safe and prevent damage to the pool when it is not in use. Above ground pool owners should also use an equalizer pillow beneath their cover to keep it from moving. It will also help to prevent the cover from freezing to the water.
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Source: Personal knowledge