Pre Menopause

Have you noticed that your body seems to be going crazy and doing things in ways it never did before? Are you in your late thirties to mid forties? Do you sweat at night, have worsening premenstrual symptoms, hot flashes, wild mood swings and weight gain.

For women in their late thirties and mid-forties, these puzzling symptoms can mean the onset of pre menopause – the phase of menstrual cycle changes that precedes menopause. These physical and emotional signs and symptoms signal the decline of estrogen and progesterone levels that accompany menopause. Pre menopause can sneak up on you in the most disturbing ways.

These age-related hormonal changes occur as the body winds down from the reproductive years. These unwelcome but natural changes often interrupt a busy lifestyle of family, work, and/or exercise. No need to worry. Some basic education and awareness can go a long way toward making this phase of your life more comfortable.

First, there are several things you should do. If you are experiencing hot flashes Avoid hot drinks, salt, alcohol, and spicy foods. Symptoms are also aggravated by smoking, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and poor diet. If lightheadedness and fatigue are your problems, try eating at regular intervals and don’t skip breakfast.

Also consider natural supplements which many women say work wonders for them. With rising concerns about Hormone Replacement Therapy, learning about natural hormone substitutes has taken on greater significance for many women. The most popular options include soy proteins and Black Cohosh. A diet rich in Essential Fatty Acids and vitamin E may offer additional relief.

The isoflavones in soy proteins have natural estrogenic effects. Adding soy to your diet can decrease hot flashes, decrease fat deposition, maintain lean muscle, and stabilize bone density and lower cholesterol. Soy is available in a variety of forms, including tofu, soy milk, and other soy products.

Black Cohosh a Native American herb has been used for generations to ease menstrual symptoms and also contains phytoestrogens which is plant estrogen like compounds that may be effective against hot flashes. The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have been researched, with positive documentation for most claims; many people do not get enough of these essential polyunsaturated fatty acids in their diet. EFAs can fight the health effects of hormonal changes by enhanced calcium absorption, protection from heart disease and cancer, and improved hair, skin and nails.

Omega-3 is essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot create without first obtaining them from food. Linolenic acid, the primary omega-3 fatty acid, can be obtained through many fats, oils, nuts, and soybeans. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are also from the omega-3 family and are readily available in seafood. Vitamin E an important vitamin can reduce hot flashes and lower the risk of heart disease.

Here’s the most important advice of all: a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy body. Don’t leave your health to chance. Visit and you can get your Personalized Vitamin Profile Free to find out which vitamins are right for your lifestyle, risk factors and nutritional needs.

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