Product Review: Sunbeam Hot Shot Beverage Maker Model 6131

The Sunbeam Hot Shot beverage maker Model 6131 is a great little appliance to add to your kitchen. It takes up very little space on your counter and is a very convenient product to have. The purpose of the Sunbeam Hot Shot beverage maker is to heat water. That’s all it does and it does it well. If you have this nice little appliance there will be no more need to make a whole pot of coffee for just one cup. Rather than make an entire pot of coffee, you can make a cup at a time whenever you want it.

The Sunbeam Hot Shot beverage maker is great for that quick cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cup of soup, instant oatmeal, or whatever needs hot water to make it work. It can also be used to heat water for any recipe that requires 16 ounces or less of boiling water such as boxed scalloped potatoes or boxed rice dishes. The Hot Shot beverage maker holds sixteen ounces of water. Starting with cold or room temperature water, pour it into the stainless steel lined cup under the hinged plastic top of the hot shot, close the top, and press the on button. After about 90 seconds, the light will go off and you can dispense the hot water. Place your mug with your instant coffee, tea bag, or whatever under the spout and press the dispense button. Keep the button depressed until you have as much hot water as you need. Stir and enjoy your favorite hot beverage.

The Hot Shot beverage maker can only be used with cool water. It will not work if you attempt to heat water that is already hot. It has a thermostat device in it that won’t allow it to turn on if the water is already above a certain temperature. This same feature also prevents heating additional water immediately after you have used the Hot Shot beverage maker. It must be allowed to cool in between uses. This seems to be the only drawback to this nifty little appliance.

The Sunbeam Hot Shot beverage maker Model 6131 measures about 9.5 inch high by 6.5 inches long by 5 inches wide. It retails for about $25 and is well worth the price. It can be purchased online as well as in many department stores nationwide.

The Sunbeam Hot Shot beverage maker Model 6131 is perfect for home, office, or dorm room. It is even lightweight enough to take on trips for extra convenience to make that hot beverage in your hotel room whenever you want it. The Sunbeam Hot Shot beverage maker is a must have both for home and on the road.

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