Reducing Hassle When Selling a Property by Removing Clutter

Selling your house is a hassle-it always is. There are so many things to cope with, so many emotions to shelf and saying good bye is always hard. Not only do you need to advertise for buyers, you need to clean up your house, fix that odd leaky faucet and dust the carpets. You also need to price your house and make sure that advertisements are properly placed in reputable magazines.

As selling your house is no mean feat, you need to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and physically for the long run ahead. You should keep your sentimental knickknacks and begin to pack in anticipation of buyers and your eventual moving away. This is because experts say that if buyers see your photos and personal items in your house, they are less likely to envision the house as theirs, thus lessening the chances of a successful purchase.

You must also de-clutter your home. Do throw away your collection of “pretty paper bags”, “old newspaper cuttings” and such rubbish that have little sentimental or practical value. They will only hinder your moving and cleaning of the house. This includes de-cluttering your attics, basements and rooms. De-cluttering means to throw away rubbish, not to hide it under your beds or any secret hideouts in your house. Be strict with yourself!

You must repair all damages before selling your home. This will ensure that the buyer will not try to bargain down the value of your house, and you can be sure that they will be happy with what they have chosen. Repairing damages mean exactly what it is-simply repairing damages. It does not mean that you have to refurnish everything as that would cost you a bomb. Check the mains, window grills, bathroom ceilings and other odd crook and crannies to make sure your house is in pristine working condition before you sell anything. That includes making sure doors are properly oiled and in working condition! Buyers do not like to find “nasty surprises” like a doorknob which does not function after they have purchased your house.

Do also be reasonable when you set the price of your home. You may face difficulties in obtaining buyers of your house is overly priced and decreasing prices later may prove useless. If your house has not been bought for 6 months, buyers will assume that you are desperate to sell your house, hence try to bargain down your house’s worth. Thus, if you need it, do consult an agent for expert advice and help.

Your advertisement in papers should also be reasonably real. You should not “Photoshop” it too much as buyers like to get what they see in the newspapers. Otherwise, they would feel cheated and thus not buy your home. If possible, when visitors come, let your agent do the ushering and showing; do take the children and pets far away so that they will not harass the buyers. If you do everything carefully, then you maybe assured of a good price for your house.

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