Refacing Kitchen Cabinet Doors: My Experience and Advice

Refacing Kitchen Cabinet Doors: My Experience and Advice – Refacing kitchen cabinets and doors is a simple and even fun process if you know what to expect and have the proper tools for the job. This article will show you how to do this in a very simple and easy to use format. I have done many kitchen cabinets over the years from place to place and know well that it is a time-consuming job. If you are like me however; it is also loads of fun. Creative things make it all that much better. You reface the kitchen cabinets again as your looks and design in the house change.

First you have to determine what you really want in the finished product. If you are selling the place; you will want to completely strip and refinish the cabinets as stated in my previous article. However, if you wish to simply make it look brand new then this is another great idea for that refacing job.

Starting out make sure you have all the required tools for the job. Several products are listed later in this article for you to get for the refacing project. In addition to that you will need rags, wallpaper rollers, and any ladders and things to reach those cabinets. Also remember to gather your screwdrivers for the screws that hold the cabinets together. Drills work best to avoid tired hands in my experience. Gather those and take those kitchen cabinets off of the walls to begin. Once the doors are removed check for any cabinet issues and refer to my previous article on how to fix those thongs before continuing. Once that is done, you can begin on the doors.

The first product I will recommend to you is used to do the edges of the cabinets as the door refacing. There is a very simple solution in this case. It is called Cabinet refacing banding. It works like wallpaper in that you simply remove the backing and stick the tape to the cabinet. It looks like a laminated cabinet edge when finished. You do this around the edges of the cabinets.

After you do the edges you can apply another product that will be the refacing cover to the cabinet. It is called Pressure Sensitive Veneer. It is awesome. The thing that I love about it is when you have damaged cabinets that you need to replace the wood on; this product is just right. Meaning that the wood door is so damaged that nothing could fix it. Things like cuts that are deep in the wood and so on. This product allows you to apply the new layer of wood over the existing cabinet door like wallpaper. Then you can stain or paint to your heart’s content. The biggest thing is that it looks perfect. you would think that it was brand new. I highly recommend this product for those hard to fix cabinets in the kitchen.

As you are applying the two products remember to use the handy roller and smoothing tools that are for wallpaper. They work like a dream in getting that perfectly smooth edge and professional finish.

Now gather any stains or paints to customize and get creative. Have contrasting or matching. You could do anything really with this wood refacing that is a blank slate in your hands. Just remember to make it current to the times and not too dated in case you sell the place any time soon. Either way, you can’t go wrong and will really have fun doing this project. Depending on the size of the kitchen, it may even be done in a week-end.

That’s it for this job. Be sure to subscribe for my articles to learn even more great ideas for saving money and enhancing your home life.

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