Remove Crayon from Just About Any House Hold Surface!

In the past I have used the easy erasers to remove crayon from doors and windows but I didn’t happen to have any on hand so I tried scrubbing it off with a microfiber cloth and some all purpose cleaner. This method took a little off but really didn’t make a significant difference, it was late so I gave up and decided to try again the next day. The next day was a sunny day and there was allot of sun beating down onto my front door so it heated the door and I was able to wipe the crayon off without much effort. That’s when I thought duh, crayon is made of wax. So I decided to try this method in other areas of the house that she had decorated by using a hair dryer.
I started with one area on the wall that she had decorated a few months ago that, despite my best efforts, I had not been able to remove. I heated the area for about 5 seconds and rubbed with a cloth dampened with vinegar and Viola, the crayon was gone! I found that this method works on painted walls, glass, metal and nearly any other hard surface. I also like to heat crayon on upholstery and then use hot soapy water to scrub the crayon away.
My walls are painted with a satin finish and it will work on semi or gloss as well. I don’t imagine that this method would work well on a wall with a flat finish. The main tip to remember is to not over heat your painted walls or upholstery. Only heat the crayon with the hair dryer for about 5-6 seconds, remove the heat and rub with cloth dampened with vinegar on hard surfaces or hot soapy water for upholstery, repeat as necessary until crayon is removed.