Repelling Bugs the Natural Way

The body’s largest organ is the skin, so it is no wonder that there is concern about dousing it in chemicals! At the same time, however, itchy, red and swollen bug bites are a warm weather nuisance. Fortunately, Mother Nature concurs: there are a number of nature-made solutions for the mosquito problem.

Some green-thumbed folk grow Citronella plants around the house to deter bugs. Other people swear by eating loads of garlic to make their blood unsavory to mosquitoes. Still, many of us prefer a bottled solution to biting pests.

Essential oils are the most potent, compressed form of plant essence. Essential oils of plants that have natural repelling properties can be diluted and used on the skin in lieu of a potentially harmful, DEET-filled bug spray. Some of the most effective oils that can be found at most health food stores are Citronella, Palma Rosa, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Penny Royal, Lavender and Tea Tree..

To create your own, personalized bug spray mix ten drops of oil to 4 ounces of water in a clean pump spray bottle. Shake well before each use to ensure a well-combined mixture. Personalize your recipe by choosing the scent combination that appeals most to you. Because of body chemistry and metabolism variations, some combinations will work better for you than others. These very useful essential oils can also reduce swelling and redness and stop itching of existing bug bites. Witch Hazel can be added to the recipe to enhance this property. Use common sense precautions with essential oils: do a skin test for allergies and refer to your doctor if you are pregnant.

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