Review of Freewebs Web Hosting

There are many free web hosting services out there today. Some offer you long drawn out web addresses while others simple and short. I was introduced to free webs ( ) through a message board. I decided to give it a try because I didn’t know much about HTML and all the other advance programming skills that I couldn’t afford to have someone else do. When you first start with free webs your IP is recorded. You pick a user name which will become your web address.

Example: After you have picked a user name you won’t be able to change it unless you create a new account. Then you pick a password which can be changed. You are asked to pick a web template, a website title, second title (optional) and what you would like the copyright at the bottom of your website to say. You will be asked if you want to stay with the easy format or have your website only HTML. I suggest trying out their helping web editor first. You can change to HTML later if you’d like.

Next step is choosing what you’d like to name your web pages. You are allowed up to 7 for free users. You are also allowed several paragraphs per page. You simple click ‘edit’ and you can use font color, background color, size and type of font. You can also add pictures, smiles, hyper links, java scripts, check your spelling, insert a table, Google search, PayPal and website counter. If you upgrade to a premium service you get:

Unlimited web pages

The banner that has an advertisement gone. (It appears after 45 days of having your account for free members.)

Insert Media- Video Clips and Audio.

Some of the premium services are:

Multiple file loading- Able to upload more than one file at once. With the free service this isn’t allowed.

Online Form Submission- More submissions allowed than the free version.

WebZoom- Uploads your files faster.

Web Album- Allows unlimited photo upgrade.

Web Space Upgrade- More MBs.

Bandwidth- More bandwidth to allow more traffic to visit your website.

Password Protection- To prevent from others who don’t have a password to view a certain page.

More Web Templates- Templates that free users aren’t allowed to view/use.

Domain Name Registering and Hosting- Your domain is hosted on this website eliminating the address giving a more professional look.

You can buy all these services in one complete package for currently $4.75 a month. If you buy any services you can get web pages unlimited free. Often times they have a decent sale running on their services and 100% satisfaction promise. Also if you don’t have a paypal account or don’t want to pay by credit card you can pay by check. I found not only easy to use but a great deal for your money. They are constantly working to improve their website services. They even help with making meta tags and web promotion help. My suggestion- Try it out for free and see what you think. If you don’t like it, you can easily delete your account. Getting technical help was a breeze. This is one web hosting to check out!

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