Save Money Through Do-It-Yourself Repairs

Through the years, I have managed to save quite a bit of money through many do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. When you have more time than money or money is really tight, it can sure be the way to go and you will gain valuable experience. It can also be quite a boost to the self confidence.

There are many resources for reliable information on DIY projects, which can be found through books at your local library or online information. You should also always learn by observing and asking questions anytime you are paying for repairs or projects to be done by someone else. Another resource not to be overlooked are knowledgeable friends which may be glad to answer a few questions.

There are a few warnings for DIY projects I think are important :

  • Do not take on a project, which could be potentially dangerous taking into consideration your skills and experience level. For example, I personally would not feel comfortable replacing car brakes on my own as I want to know they will work if I need to stop, so I do not have an accident. I have assisted my husband in putting brakes on the car, but still not ready to tackle this on my own.
  • Do not take on a project, which you could potentially make worse. For example, there are few plumbing repairs I will attempt, as I do not want to mess up and have to clean up a flood at home.
  • Always turn off the electricity prior to working on any DIY projects involving electrical repairs.

There are some DIY projects you may think you can’t do, because you do not have the tools and the tools are expensive. Do not let that deter you. You can simply locate a local place willing to rent the tools needed for the job. My husband and I once rented a gas powered hole digger to plant fruit trees and another time rented a carpet knee knocker to install carpet in the nursery.

While I do not have exact figures, I do know DIY projects have saved me quite a bit of money. If you do something yourself you do not have to pay a service call for the repairman nor do you have to pay the cost of labor. One of my recent DIY repairs of replacing a car brake switch only cost me $10 for the part. DIY projects may take a little more time, but it is worth it.




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