Save Water and Save Money

Contrary to what many people believe, water is not a never ending resource. Although the amount of water available on the planet may not have changed, the amount of clean, potable water has. Saving water at home can also save money so it’s a good habit to adopt. It can put money back into your pockets and help the tired old Earth last a few generations longer.

Most American homes use about 300 gallons of water a day. Imagine three hundred plastic gallon jugs lined up to gain a picture of how much water is used in each home on a daily basis. Saving water doesn’t mean that Americans have do without showers or limit their water use because most water is wasted.

One of the biggest culprits is leaky faucets. A single leaky faucet can waste as much as 20 gallons of water each day and the fix is simple. A new washer in older faucets may solve the problem or a simple tightening of gaskets may work. A new faucet is inexpensive compared to the gallons of water going down the drain each day.

Leaking toilets can account for as much as 200 gallons of water each day. There is an simple test to tell if the toilet leaks – add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the tank and wait thirty minutes. If color appears in the bowl (without flushing) then a leak is present and should be fixed.

Check water meters to see if there may be a water leak. Make sure that no water is being used inside and watch the meter. If the needle moves, then there is a leak somewhere.

Other ways to save water include not running water all the time during washing dishes. Scrub dishes and rinse in batches instead of letting the faucet run an endless stream.

Put garbage into the trash or compost heap instead of washing it down the garbage disposal – disposals use large amounts of water and can tax an overloaded sewer system. Rural residents can fill a septic tank much faster if a garbage disposal is in use.

Pick up a toilet dam at the local hardware or home improvement store. By placing a dam in the toilet tank, the amount of water is better regulated, Up to four gallons per flush can be saved. Never use a brick for this purpose – long term use will wear away the brick and sediment from the brick can clog pipes.

Change the shower head to a low-flow style that will save water but won’t affect the shower pattern. Most home owners don’t see a difference but a substantial amount of water will be saved.

Put aerators on each faucet. Thse devices add air to the water, increasing the flow but using less water. Aerators are cheap and can be installed simply by screwing them onto the faucet.

Take showers instead of baths. Showers use much less water than filling the tub for a bath.

If homeowners feel that they must water the lawn, do so in the coolest part of the day for maximum effect. Never leave sprinklers running throughout the day or night. The lawn isn’t gaining full effect from the water and it is wasting countless gallons.

A few simple steps can really save money on a water bill and keep water supplies afloat for years to come.

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