Scrapbook Design

Love to create scrapbooks or interested in starting one? Consider adding something extra to that scrapbook to create further charm. Scrapbooks do not need to be fashioned as flat objects consisting merely of pictures, paper, or stickers. Why not jazz it up by giving it a 3-dimensional look?

For instance, say you are working on a wedding scrapbook. Do you have remnants from the wedding such as napkins or invitations? Add these to your scrapbook and trim them with pieces of lace, beads, or ribbon. Got a baby book in the works? Mine is not only filled with pictures but has items such as locks of hair, hospital bracelets, flattened balloons and flowers. You can also include small trinkets and artwork from your child as he or she grows. It could be a favorite toy, a feather from a pillow fight, hand-made magnets, or crayons. As long as the object is not too large, anything is possible for giving life to your special book of memories.

You can also add souvenirs to your scrapbook from those unforgettable vacations and other events. Maybe your family went on a camping trip. Add some fishing hooks and lures. Trim pictures with pieces of fishing line. Did you go to the beach? Add some small shells and mix in a little sand for additional texture. Got some tokens from a sporting event? Include them in your scrapbook as well. Maybe it’s a ticket stub or even a candy wrapper from the concession stand. Don’t forget about maps. These can also make interesting additions to the scrapbook.

Scrapbooks can be personalized to fit anyone’s needs or preferences. You can add buttons, coins, yarn and other trimmings. If you like to use stickers, try picking some that reach the senses. Scratch and smell stickers a great way to enjoy those pleasant aromas from years past such as a memorable garden or an ice-cream sundae. Add texture with puffy stickers. They come in many styles and children enjoy touching them. You can use stickers which are brightly colored or choose those that have a specific meaning.

Scrapbook design is a great way to creatively save and hold onto treasured moments. Adding 3-dimensional items can provide your scrapbook with even more interest. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s a pastime you can cherish.

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