Shiatsu Massage Basics

Everyone can benefit from a massage every now and then. Who wouldn’t love the all over relaxing feeling that a good massage gives? The next time you are considering a massage, consider shiatsu. What is shiatsu, you ask? Well, shiatsu massage has been around for generations and people all over the world has benefited from this form of deep tissue massage.

Shiatsu massage, also known as acupressure, is a point-pressure massage using the fingers. This form of massage was designed to help regulate the flow of energy within the body. Many people believe that it works and is actually the best form of massage. During a shiatsu massage, the thumb, fingers, palms or feet apply pressure to the various parts of the body. This type of massage helps produce deep relaxation. In addition, it is used to increase energy levels and is believed to help bring balance to the body and the soul.

This type of massage is not new. It has been around for centuries. The history of shiatsu massage lies within the ancient Chinese. They used the principals of shiatsu in both their medical philosophy and practice. It was developed around 530 B.C. Later, shiatsu massage was exported into Japan, Southeast Asia, and Korea where it was widely practiced. In the 20th century, this therapy was used for treating simple muscular tension and providers were licensed. Shiatsu became popular in the United States, Europe and Australia during 1970s as more people looked to more natural approaches to improve their health.

Like most other forms of massage, the shiatsu massage will last anywhere from forty minutes to one hour. However, instead of lying on a massage bed or cot, shiatsu is usually practiced by having the patient lie on the floor on a mat or pad. The masseuse gets on the floor to be level with the patient. Different approaches can be used, but generally, this form of massage will leave the person feeling deeply relaxed. Some even may report feeling drowsy or fall asleep during the procedure.

This type of massage begins with gentle stretching and manipulation of the skin to allow the stimulation of energy and relax the muscles. Depending on the need of the person receiving the massage, it can be very gentle and calming or used with high pressure. This type of massage, however, should not use so much pressure that hurts or feels painful.

Shiatsu acupressure massages are usually given using a rapid circular motion with medium pressure. The massages can last from five to fifteen minutes and include techniques such as rubbing, kneading, percussion, and vibration.
Today, shiatsu massages are performed not only for relaxation, but to aid a wide variety of ailments and symptoms. Many people, from all walks of lives, can benefit from this type of massage. The following are five benefits of shiatsu massage.
Muscle Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Shiatsu and acupressure massages can help alleviate the symptoms caused by arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of the body’s tissue and it attacks the linings of the joints. This disease affects approximately one percent of the world’s population and can be debilitating. Shiatsu massage that is applied to the hands and feet are most effective for those suffering from the pain associated with arthritis. Pressure from the massage can also be applied directly to any area affected by Rheumatoid arthritis. Shiatsu can also be used to improve the overall health of muscles throughout the body. A shiatsu massage also helps limber the muscles and gives muscles nutrition by improved circulation. It also helps reduce muscular pain.

Migraine Headaches: Many people suffer from the affects of migraine headaches. Migraines are usually caused by a rapid widening and narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain or head, causing irritation and pain. Common symptoms of migraine headaches include nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, weakness, numbness and vision problems. Migraines are thought to be cause by changes in weather, stress, hunger, foods containing nitrates and sometimes caffeine. Those who suffer from repeated migraine headaches can benefit from a few sessions of shiatsu massage. Shiatsu massages helps aid migraines by relaxing the body and increasing blood flow and circulation throughout the body.

Skin: Shiatsu massages, or acupressure, helps stimulate circulation in the capillaries of the skin’s soft tissues. The massage also serves to stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and keeps skin moist and smooth. This helps give skin resilience and helps prevent wrinkling. A shiatsu massage will help improve the look and glow of the skin with improved blood circulation.

Pregnancy: Shiatsu massages have been used for thousands of years to aid women during monthly cycles to alleviate symptoms such as menstrual cramps and depression. This kind of massage has also been used for years for also for pregnancy, as well. Shiatsu has been known to help women in labor and help babies turn in the womb. It can induce labor in women who are overdue and help ease morning sickness and swelling often caused by pregnancy. This type of massage is great for expecting mothers, but as always, it is wise to consult a physician if you have concerns during pregnancy. Also, make sure you have your massage performed by a licensed massage therapist to avoid any problems during pregnancy.
Circulatory and Digestive System: Shiatsu massages are also found to help aid the circulatory and digestive system. A gently massage helps improve circulation and cellular nutrition throughout the body. A massage also benefits the digestive system allowing food to digest more easily and aids in the elimination of waste products. A shiatsu massage also increases stamina by storing energy reserves and assists in fat metabolism and removal.

There are many ways to find a good shiatsu massage therapist. In the United States, you will need to look for one that is licensed in this technique. You can do searches on the Internet and check with the Better Business Bureau for recommendations. A good professional massage therapist will have all the necessary training for this type of massage and can help you feel at ease if you have never had a massage before. When looking for a practitioner experienced with shiatsu, look for one that has at least three years worth of experience. Feeling comfortable with the provider is also important. A session of shiatsu massages generally last from thirty to ninety minutes and can cost anywhere from $20 to $80 for a more experienced practitioner.

If you are interested in practicing this technique at home, you can learn. Learning basic shiatsu techniques at home is easy with a book or video. It can also reap huge benefits to practice basic techniques at home. Many adult education and community education centers offer basic massage techniques.

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