Stop Avoiding the Gym and Get Going

The two key points to weight loss are eating smart and exercising more. When it comes to exercise, many dieters fall short of the mark and find themselves floundering. What is the problem? Usually it’s a lack of motivation or simply a lack of time. Other times, however, it’s a far more personal thing.

Gyms are great places to keep your motivation up and to get a good workout into your day. You may do well the first few days but the pressure gets to you. So many women who need to go to the gym because they need to lose weight stop going because they just feel frumpy and out of shape.

Isn’t that the point of the gym, though? It’s to improve your physical condition, right? Sure it is, but if you’ve ever seen a commercial for Bally’s, you can understand why some women stop going, if they bother to sign up at all. It’s almost as if you have to be in shape to be there in the first place.

What happens when you are too embarrassed to go to the gym? You stop going. When you stop going to the gym, you may stop losing pounds. What happens next? Sadly, many people give up and go back to their old lifestyle and gain the weight back. Sometimes, they gain back more than they lost.

So what can you do? You have to get over it! As much as it may make you feel uncomfortable to be there at first, it’s all about you. You are the reason you are there, and you deserve to respect yourself enough to stick with it.


Forget about the other people in the gym. It’s hard not to see them, but do something to take your mind off everything and try to pretend you are the only person in the room. If music is allowed, take along your Ipod or CD player and focus on yourself.


Don’t go in frumpy sweats and a ratty t-shirt. Spend a few dollars on an exercise outfit that makes you feel good. No matter what your size, there’s something out there for everyone.

Get a Buddy

Have a friend on the weight loss trail with you? Take them to the gym with you. It’s always more fun, and more comfortable, with a friend by your side. A friend may also help you stay on track and motivate you.

Take A Break

If you just can’t handle it, take a break. I don’t mean stop exercising; I mean take a break from the gym. Keep exercising by walking or whatever it is you like to do, but don’t stop. Once you get some pounds off you may find you are more comfortable going back to the gym and continuing where you left off.

Be Choosy

Visit all the gyms in your area and find one that feels good. Not all gyms are geared towards the “all ready super fit” crowd. You may find a place with people just like you, just trying to find a healthier lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

Remind yourself why you joined the gym in the first place. You. It’s not about anyone but you. Try to look forward to the day you will look your best, feel better, and most importantly, when your health will be the best it can be.

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