Summer Concert Season! Rascal Flatts, Tom Petty and Korn on Tour. Are You Ready?

I love June. I really do. Not because of the rising temperatures, or the rising gas prices, which seem to be at the forefront of every traveler’s mind. No, I love June because it is officially summer, and officially summer means officially concert season. And, oh, how I love concert season.

Between the American Idol tour and Rascal Flatts, Tom Petty, and Korn, among others, all touring this summer, there is bound to be at least one concert in the next few months for every music lover. Whether you’re a novice concertgoer, or an experienced one, we could all use some helpful tips once in a while. This is where I come in. I have compiled a list of ten tips to help the average concertgoer make the most of their concert experience.

1. Buy your ticket(s) early. There is nothing worse than looking forward to a concert and then go to buy your tickets the day of the show and realize that they’re sold out. Save yourself some hassle, buy them early. Sometimes, they’re even cheaper that way.

2. Go with friends. A concert without friends is never as fun as a concert with. Grab a few friends to share in the experience with you.

3. Drink plenty of water. A lack of water causes dehydration, and dehydration causes discomfort. Don’t let dehydration put a damper on your fun. Make sure you hydrate. Some venues have a water cooler in the back with free water, some sell bottles of it. No matter how you get it, make sure you drink lots of water.

4. Be comfortable. Don’t sacrifice your comfort for vanity. It’s a concert, you’re meant to have fun. Wear comfortable shoes and comfortable clothing. You’ll have much more fun that way.

5. Watch all of the acts. If you’re going to see the headliner, come early to see the opening acts. If you’re coming to see the opening acts, stay late and see the headliner. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy their sets.

6. Take pictures. If cameras are allowed, bring one. You can have fun at the concert and capture it on film so that it’s something you’ll never forget. Some venues and/or bands do not allow cameras, so be sure to check with them before the concert.

7. Take care of those around you. Friends or not, you’re all there for the same reason, the music. Watch out for those around you. If you’re in a mosh pit or there is crowd surfing, help anyone around you, even if you’ve been shoved or kicked in the head.

8. Buy the merchandise. Support the band you’re there to see. Buy their merchandise. Usually, they make more money from the stuff they sell at their concerts than they do online or other sources. Even if you just go and pick up a free sticker, make sure to stop by the merch table.

9. Let them know. If given the chance to chat with the band, tell them you enjoyed their set. Even if they hear it all the time, it never gets old.

10. Have fun! The most important part of the whole experience is that you have fun. Let yourself go, get into the music, sing along, dance, clap. That’s what it’s all about.

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