Summer Fun for Your Toddler

If you are a stay at home mom, you are probably really looking forward to the upcoming summer months. This is a great time of year when your little one can go outside and ply and enjoy the sunshine, and burn off some energy in the process. There is a lot of activities that you can do that are affordable and fun.

First you can get a list of other stay at home moms and their kids together. Then choose one or two days a week when they can come over and participate in some fun activities at your house. A nice way to ask these moms about doing this is to send them a summer invitation. Include in the invitation which days during the week, this will be, and what time the fun will start. Then as a group each week you can decide if you are going to choose to do an activity at the house or take all of the kids out for an activity.

To kick off the summer you could invite them over for an afternoon barbq and scavenger hunt. Before your visitors arrive you can hide little toy surprises around the yard or in your house if you do not have a yard. Make sure that your children do not see where you are hiding the toys, they may give it away. Then you can write up clues on index cards to help them find the items. (Don’t worry if your child can not read, parents can read the clues to their children). You can find lots of little toys at any dollar store or in the clearance section of any convenience store.

This is a great activity for kids and they will love it. You will want to make sure that you keep your guest list to a minimum. Remember it is not a party, just an afternoon with some friends. Another great way to spend time with the kids and some time for mom to associate is to find some free local activities in your area. Toys R Us for example has many activities for children during the summer months. You can bring your children in and they can make different crafts, and they get to keep whatever they make.

You could also try checking your local arts and crafts store, they also usually have some special activities for young children to participate in during the summer months. This is a great way to spend time with your children, and for them to learn to interact with other people their own age. Check online to see if any stores in your area are offering any special programs for the summer months. Even in your own neighborhood there may be dozens of activities for you and your children to participate in. Remember to also let your little one has some say in what they would like to do.

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