Swimming Pool Safety

Swimming pools are purchased for recreational fun. People who own pools typically enjoy their swimming and leisure activities. Swimming pools are supposed to be a positive addition to your yard, but if you are not cautious then your back yard entertainment can turn into a deadly object.

Children are vulnerable around swimming pools. They must have adult supervision at all times. Over 300 children under 5 die every year because of drowning in backyard swimming pools and another 2,000 in that age group are injured in swimming accidents. In some of the warmer states where pools are popular, drowning is the number one cause of accidental deaths among children under 5. These statistics are alarming and should be taken seriously. There are steps and precautions your can take in your own home to prevent swimming pool accidents.

Safety Equipment

There are many safety features that can be purchased for backyard swimming pools. A gate or some type of barrier is a good idea for families with young children or couples with grandchildren.
One popular pool fence is from Life Saver’s it is a removable mesh pool fence designed specifically to provide a barrier around residential swimming pools especially for toddlers and young children. This kind of fence is installed in sections to provide convenience for easy removal for homeowner.

Heavy-duty pool covers can also act as a safety feature when the pool is not in use. Any outdoor pool should have some sort of barrier surrounding it. Young children are at risk when safety measures are ignored.
Pool Fence Codes and Regulations

Many local governments have adopted uniform codes for pool fence safety; one example is BOCA (Building Officials and Code Administrators International) pool safety codes
Some key issues related to swimming pool fencing in these codes are:

· The pool fencing must be at least 48″ (4 feet) high, which should prevent children from getting into swimming pool enclosure without assistance.

· If distance between horizontal rails is less than 45″, then the vertical rails should not exceed 1 ¾”. This will prevent a child’s foot from fitting between the rails.

· If distance between horizontal rails is greater than 45″, then the pool fence vertical rails should not exceed 4″, this will prevent a small child’s foot from fitting between the rails.

· Make sure the swimming pool fence is installed with the distance between ground and bottom of fence must not exceed 4″.

· Pool Gates should open out from the pool and be self-closing, with a latch which is self-latching.

· Pool Gate Latches should be at least 54″ high on the gate.
These guidelines are basic codes. Homeowners need to check their local building codes for the proper guidelines in their community. Owning a pool is a big responsibility. Pool owners are required by law to have enclosures in most areas (cities and states).

Important Rules and Regulations for Swimming Pool Safety

· Educate babysitters and other caregivers about potential pool hazards to young children and about the use of protective equipment, such as door alarms and latches. Make sure to emphasize the need for constant supervision.

· NEVER leave a child unsupervised near a pool. If you have pool parties appoint a lifeguard or “child watcher.” Adults may take turns being the “watcher.” Select alert responsible people to watch because when adults become preoccupied, children are at risk.

· If a child is missing, check the pool first. Seconds count in preventing death, disability and injury. Stand at the edge of the pool and scan the entire pool, bottom and surface, as well as the entire pool area.

· Do not consider young children to be safe because they have had swimming lessons. All children must always be watched closely while swimming.

· Do not use flotation devices as a substitute for adult supervision.

· Learn CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Make sure babysitters and other caretakers, such as grandparents and older siblings know CPR.

· It is important to keep rescue equipment by the pool. Have a telephone and emergency numbers poolside and readily accessible.

· Remove toys from in and around the pool when they are not in use. Toys tend to attract young children to the pool.

· Never leave open the gate to a pool barrier.

Pool Chemical Dangers

Chemicals should never be mixed and you should always read ALL directions. It is important to check the chemical and water levels to ensure that the pool is bacteria-free and clean.
Always store the chemicals in a save place away from children and animals. Know your chemicals and how to properly store them because some substances cannot be stored together. Get the proper information from the chemical manufacturer in order to prevent accidents.

Keeping your children away from danger is the best way to enjoy the luxuries of a back yard swimming pool. Owning a swimming pool doesn’t have to be dangerous if you have taken the proper precautions and installed safety equipment to ensure the protections of your family. Being a responsible and knowledgeable pool owner is important.

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