Ten Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Indoor Air

By now most people have prepared their annual spring cleaning list that will take care of their carpets, closets, windows, attic, garage etc. However most people forget to include spring cleaning of the indoor air in this annual list. This is very unfortunate because it is most important for your family’s health. Your indoor air may contain dust, mold, mildew and other floating particles. These are responsible for all those annual problems like allergies and colds leading to sneezing, coughing, running noses and other serious upper respiratory tract diseases.

It has been proved beyond doubt that the quality of your indoor air is responsible for the long term health of your family. Thus it is necessary that you include cleaning of your indoor air in your spring cleaning list. The following are some spring cleaning tips for your indoor air:

1. It is very important that you get rid of all the dust that has collected inside your home. Controlling the dust indoors is the best way of controlling allergens inside your home. Many types of unwanted things like mildew, mold, animal hair, dust mites and dander stick to the dust that is already present inside your home. Keeping this at bay should be a part of your spring cleaning agenda.

2. To keep the dust under control you must vacuum several times a week Make sure that your vacuum cleaner has a high efficiency particulate air filter. It should efficiently trap microscopic particulate matter. If your vacuum cleaner uses a cheap filter then you can consider exchanging it for a new model that has a high efficiency filter.

3. If you use wall to wall carpeting in your home investing in a vacuum cleaner that uses a high efficiency filter for removing microscopic particulate matter is a wise step. This is because such carpets are safe haven for all kinds of allergens and dust. Keeping them clean is an important part of spring cleaning tips for homeowners

4. Dust mites that flourish in bedding are considered to be second only to pollen as sources of allergic reactions in human beings. The best way to get rid of dust mites is to kill them by washing bed linen and other upholstery items in hot water at least once a week.

5. Another way to avoid dust mites is to cover and enclose bedding items, mattresses, pillows and spring boxes inside plastic covers. This prevents their growth effectively.

6. It has been found that mildew and mold flourish in warm and moist indoor environments and so do many types of allergens. Maintaining the indoor humidity between 30% and 50% keeps the indoor air healthier.

7. The climate of certain areas becomes hot and sticky during the summer months. In such climates a wholehouse dehumidifier has been found to keep the indoor air relatively free of allergens and provide living comfort. You can adjust the dehumidifier such that the indoor relative humidity is kept between 30% and 50%.

8. If members of your family suffer from allergic reactions to air borne allergens and if the above steps do not provide complete relief you can consider installing a whole house high efficiency air cleaner. You have a variety of air cleaners to choose from according to your needs. These include media, hybrid and electrostatic models.

9. The efficiency of home air cleaners is determined by its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). Home air cleaners usually have a MERV value between 1 and 11. The higher the MERV rating the more efficient is the air filter/cleaner in removing microscopic particulate matter.

10. For best results it is advisable to replace the filter often a sper the manufacturers instructions to keep the indoor air quality always at the desired levels. Also have your air-conditioning system checked and cleaned at regular intervals. It will also increase the life and efficiency of you air cleaning system. These are important spring cleaning tips for your indoor air.

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