The Best Pregnancy Websites for First Time Parents

As an expectant mother awaiting the birth of her first child, and as a freelance writer who spends the majority of her day in front of a computer, it was simply a matter of time before the two intertwined. It was only a few short weeks before I was ripping through the Internet at breakneck speed, voraciously searching for the best pregnancy websites for first time parents to be had. What follows are the results of my frantic and exhausting search. Enjoy! I absolutely loved this site. Very user friendly with tons of information, active and extensive bulletin boards for posting questions and concerns, doctors and other experts available via email, even birth clubs where you can chat with other expectant parents due on or near your own due date. One of the best pregnancy websites for first time parents out there, has a complete line of infant products available for online shopping, and even offers a baby registry service. Perhaps the most appealing aspect of this particular pregnancy website in my book is that it covers the full scope of pregnancy. With separate sections dedicated to preconception, pregnancy, and post birth information, this one site offers all you need to know about having a child. Once your child is born, you can still log onto and keep in touch with parents of children in the same age range. This is an absolute must see pregnancy website for first time parents, or for any expectant parents for that matter!

The second on my list of best pregnancy websites for first time parents is will customize a pregnancy calendar just for you, and will update you weekly via email to let you know what is going on with your developing baby. They also help to update you on symptoms you may be feeling, these symptoms often serving as a source of constant worry for first time parents-to-be . A seemingly endless supply of informative articles is at your fingertips, and helpful tips for easing common pregnancy discomforts abound. also sees to it that registered users receive a free subscription to American Baby magazine, which is packed full of necessary information for first time expectant parents! Among the best pregnancy websites for first time parents, contains an extensive baby-naming guide that offers meanings, origins, and even alternative spellings. A great site overall, is geared toward the first time expectant parent who likes to research at their own pace.

The final selection on my list of best pregnancy websites for first time parents would have to be is a fully interactive pregnancy website which provides all expectant parents with a chance to create and maintain an online pregnancy journal. These journals are becoming increasingly popular as a way of keeping friends and relatives updated as the pregnancy progresses. Users are able to upload pictures, notate milestones such as fetal movement or doctor’s appointments, and input personal journal entries whenever they wish. is the only pregnancy website I found in my search that automatically updates a daily countdown to your due date which appears every time you or a viewer logs in. Grandparents-to-be seem especially tickled with this particular information.

So if you find yourself a first time expectant parent stuck muddling through the endless information and advice being thrown at you every day, give these websites a look. They may just have the clear and concise information that all parents so desperately seek.

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