The Opening of the U.S. Media

The recent openness of the media, regarding what it prints and broadcasts regarding politicians can be seen as a greater trend that has really opened up American society and “thrown off the blinders.” No longer is it acceptable to have blind faith in one’s leaders, but to receive clear, concise, objectionable news that helps people to establish their own opinions and ideas.

The media has become less restrained because the attitudes of the American public have evolved in a manner in which they want reality, not subjective filtered-out approved news articles. The free-speech movement of the 60’s which inherently resulted in a loosening of the press alongside the student movement represented the first time in American history where the public demanded the truth. The “I like Ike” attitudes of unbridled patriotic support for the leaders of the nation were now being dropped for a public much more wanting of knowledge and objective criticism of their leader and the accuracy of the events enveloping them.

A trial balloon is simply when a politician leaks limited information regarding future policy changes or decisions and waits to see how the public/media digests it. This is an attempt by politicians to help move the media back into their pockets. They help let the politician know just how much support or lack thereof certain issues may have.

Incumbents have a natural advantage over challengers because they already have a chance to gain favor with the public particularly in how they are viewed through the media. Incumbency means experience and comfort, something people like in their leaders. The incumbent usually has the financial means to operate his portrayal through the media as well; i.e. funding for more campaign commercials. The incumbent doesn’t have to do a particularly well job either, he can be a stagnant leader creating no new initiatives of his own, but with the luck of positive portrayal as a competent leader who has avoided certain negative turns, then with proper media coverage, a mediocre politician can become an above-average politician.

It is said that Arnold Schwarzenegger is considered the natural politician because, particularly because of his experience as a screen actor, he has the ability and comfort level to utilize the media exactly how he needs it. How else would a man with no political background with the governorship to California ? Schwarzenegger able to handle the camera and public speaking perhaps more than even the most polished politician because he has not only experience in front of a camera, but the necessary charisma to win the people over. Whether or not you agree with his policies, he has charismatic authority which helps him win the people over, not to mention a rather large constituency which just so happens to be a growing trend in American politics (libertarianism). Schwarzenegger captivates the voting public the way he would captivate an audience through one of his action-packed films, this ability to work the public and utilize the media in a “user-friendly” way makes him a natural politician and charismatic leader of the masses.

Overall, the growing trend of the openness of the American media has been extremely beneficial. We are finally able to get clear, objective news sources that don’t have to meet government standards and allow the public to know what is really going on. The utilization of the media by the politicians has, however, turned the people away from real issues and made leaders more interested in selling themselves rather than their issues and policies. The modern politician doesn’t even have to vary greatly in opinion and ideology from his challenger, what matters more is how well he appeals to the public, how “likeable” he is. The media coverage of the recent election showed how little the public cares about issues, and more about petty irrelevant issues. In a way, it can be argued that the constant use of the media in the election of government officials has made the American public that much more ignorant. If this is the trend that the public applauses, then the future for looks bleak to say the least.

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