Three Types of Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors are designed to detect the silent and deadly gas. There are three types that you can use in your home. They include biomimetic, metal oxide, and electrochemical. Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages. This article will discuss the different types of carbon monoxide detectors.


One of the first types of detectors is the biomimetic variety. These carbon monoxide detectors use a gel-coated disc in order to detect the gas. When a dangerous level is detected, the gel-coated disc will turn dark and set off an alarm. The main advantage of these carbon monoxide detectors is that they are cheaper than other designs. They also require less energy than other types of detectors.

While they are inexpensive, biomimetic carbon monoxide detectors are not as accurate as other designs. Temperatures that are excessively high or low may cause the detector to sound a false alarm. High humidity levels can also cause problems with these carbon monoxide detectors.

Metal Oxide

One of the next types is the metal oxide semi-conductor, or MOS variety. These carbon monoxide detectors use heated tin oxide that will react with the gas and sound an alarm. They have the advantage of reacting quickly when the gas has been detected.

However, metal oxide carbon monoxide detectors have a few disadvantages. You must keep them plugged into a wall outlet because they require more energy than other designs. These carbon monoxide detectors may also generate false alarm whenever you use common household chemicals. Also, these detectors aren’t suitable for climates with high humidity levels because the sensor will deteriorate.


The final type of detector is the electrochemical variety. These carbon monoxide detectors feature electrodes submerged in an electrolyte solution. When carbon monoxide is combined with the solution, it will generate energy to sound an alarm. These carbon monoxide detectors will detect extremely low levels of the gas as they are highly sensitive.

The main disadvantage of electrochemical carbon monoxide detectors is their durability. You will need to replace the sensor every two years or so. However, if you can keep up the maintenance schedule, these carbon monoxide detectors are the best type you can buy.

These are the different types of carbon monoxide detectors. The biomimetic variety are the least expensive, but are not as accurate as the other designs. If you can remember to replace the sensor every two years, you should consider buying electrochemical detectors. These carbon monoxide detectors are highly sensitive, so they will detect extremely low levels of carbon monoxide.

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