TiVo KidZone: An Inclusive Part of the TiVo Program

In the United States, there are currently over 5 million TiVo-enabled households. Founded in 1998, TiVo, Inc., has worked closely within federal regulations and watch groups to ensure premier digital video recording was cutting edge.

With our children watching more television than ever before, parents find waging the battle in control of children’s television viewing to be exhaustive. With the free service, TiVo’s KidZone program, parents are now able to provide a list of television options to their children.

So, how does TiVo select the program recommendations for KidZone? Through various avenues including recommendations from religious leaders around the world. Through the remote control, parents can add, change and delete channel menu options from the basic recommendations list provided by TiVo.

In addition to simply adding, changing and deleting child friendly channels, parents are also provided the added benefit of setting conditions or parameters for future searches based on the child’s age, gender and preferences. The option to block adult oriented television shows is also made available.

For all homes currently equipped with TiVo, the KidZone software was automatically uploaded when it first debuted in 2006. For all new TiVo purchase, the KidZone package will come standard with the program. Unfortunately, for DirecTV satellite receivers, the feature is not available.

For homes currently unequipped with TiVo, the cost to purchase, after rebate, is less than $100.00 which usually includes the activation fee. Monthly plans run as low as $10.95. Compatible with most antenna, cable and satellite programs, TiVo not only offers the TiVo KidZone program but also offers last minute scheduling of your favorite adult television and prime time viewing with downloadable access to your laptop or portable device.

With children significantly impacted by what they see on television, TiVo KidZone has provided and answer to the a parents states of panic and confusion when determining what television shows are appropriate for their child’s age group. Additionally, the TiVo KidZone enables a parent to block specific channels from viewing. Of all which, bring peace of mind to the parent and safety and televison viewing to the child.

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