UniFlame Grill Review – The Best Grill Under $10 I’ve Used

My sister went out and bought this little charcoal grill at Wal-Mart. Right on the box is the price. $9.92!

While the grill assembly was very intuitive and requires no tools other then a Philips Screwdriver (for tightening). All of the parts assemble with wingnuts that you can make finger tight. Assembly time is approx 30 minutes. It took me 45 minutes but that’s just me. I bet I can do another one in 20 minutes!

There is a hinge assembly in with the screws and other hardware. It has a pin that looks like a “bobby” pin. I used 2 wingnuts for the hinge which worked really well but there were no screws left over for the adjustable vent covers! I thought the hinge was an assembly tool. Silly me!

The design is simple and just looking at the parts tells the tale of how the grill goes together. Which is good because the instructions are illustrated and not always helpful. So a tiny bit of guessing is needed.

The base has 4 collapsible legs so make sure you set the grill on a flat, hard, surface, a place where you will not need to move the grill or slide it around because those legs will collapse. But if you put it right there will be no problems.

There is a warming rack which I actually threw away because it wasn’t functional for me but then I retrieved it and I’m going to give it another try.

I used a store brand “light the bag” charcoal. That charcoal was hot enough to cook on four hours after we were so full of hamburgers and hotdogs we could hardly move! Four quarter pound burgers took just about 15 minutes to cook and came out perfect without having to be flipped over. The high domed lid was a perfect baking lid with an adjustable lid vent.

The cooking surface is 175 square inches which is large enough for 4 hamburgers, 4 big pieces of chicken or even a roast! If I was a betting man I’d say you could cook a full sized pie after everything is else is cooked and it would be perfect to have after everyone has digested the main course!

The grill gets 3 out of 4 stars and I recommend it highly! We had a great Bar-B-Que on a glorious day!

Take a close look at the pictures. They will give you an idea on how awesome this little grill is!

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